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worse. He goes over to my folks place where there are several hens but no rooster, to visit, you see.
When he sees Cort in the yard, he goes at him, spurs and all. It s sort of funny, she said with a
helpless laugh.  Cort can t catch the rooster. He s sort of a hit-and-run artist. So Cort s yelling his
head off, running after this big red rooster, and the rooster s running around making that funny
sound, like he s laughing.
Bodie burst out laughing.  Oh, my gosh!
 It may end badly. Or in chicken soup. Or something. Anyway, you study hard and keep in touch. I ll
keep you posted on things around here.
 Thanks, Morie. Congratulations again. She hesitated.  If Cane s sprucing himself up& is he seeing
that girl in Jackson Hole, do you think?
 He hasn t left the ranch since you did. No. He s not seeing anyone. Want my opinion? He s waiting
for his wife to come home. She smiled gently.
Bodie caught her breath. Her pale brown eyes were sparkling.  Wow.
 Yes. Surprising, isn t it? Make us proud.
 I ll do my very best. I promise.
* * *
THE WEEKS WENT BY IN A rush. Bodie was so busy studying that she lost track of time. She was
determined to graduate. She had no social life, even though classmates invited her to musical concerts
and special events around campus. She spent her nights in her hotel room studying.
There had been a major development in her life, though. She took her lucky rock to the geology
department and was astonished to discover that it was part of a meteorite, and that it was worth almost
a hundred thousand dollars.
 I know a collector who d pay that or more, the geology professor, Dr. Gandres, told her.  It s
quite unusual, and very well preserved. Do you want me to give you his number?
She could only nod. She was almost in shock.
He smiled as he wrote it down.
 That s more than gold is worth, she stammered.
 Yes. Collectors will pay anything for a superior specimen. Bodie, you really shouldn t be carrying
it around in your pocket, though. It s too valuable.
She laughed hollowly.  Oh, yes, I do realize that now. Thank you!
 My pleasure.
* * *
SHE WENT BACK TO HER hotel room in shock. That little rock would have spared her all the turmoil of
the past weeks. It might have saved her grandfather s life. It would certainly have spared them so
many upsets. But she hadn t realized it was valuable. She d always carried it around, without knowing
what sort of rock it really was. Now that she knew, she almost didn t want to part with it. But it would
pay for college, a good vehicle of her own, graduate school even, if necessary, a divorce. It would
make her financially independent. So, yes, she had to sell it. She picked up the phone and called the
* * *
A WEEK LATER SHE HAD A formidable check in her bank account. She paid her hotel bill and moved into
a modest apartment near campus that was in a private home with an elderly couple. She had Darby
come and get the ranch truck because she had a small, good used car of her own now.
 What s going on? Morie asked that evening.
Bodie laughed as she saw her friend s face on Skype.  Remember my lucky rock, the one I always
carried around in my pocket?
 Yes. It was very unusual.
 It was part of a meteorite and I just sold it for a small fortune to a collector.
 Heavens! There s this show on TV about people who hunt those for a living.
 I don t watch TV no time. I ll have to look that one up, though.
 You should. It s fascinating. These two guys go all over the world looking for fragments. She
hesitated.  You still have your mother s property, you know, the deeds will be in your hands in a few
weeks according to the attorneys.
 They were in touch with me, Bodie replied.  But I m not selling the house and land, not for
 I don t blame you. A home should stay in the family, if possible.
 So I d still have been short of cash. I want to pay you all back for all you ve done for me....
 If you even try, there will be a big scene. I promise, Morie assured her.
She grimaced.  Well, thank you.
 You re welcome. She pursed her lips.  You re going to have company Friday night.
Bodie blinked.  What? [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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