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dislodged Farrell s grip and stumbled to the table, using it to haul Farrell moaned and moved his leg. Isabelle shuddered.
himself up. Farrell grabbed his leg but Ethan kicked him off before I want to kill him for touching you. Harshness entered Ethan s
turning on him and laying a boot into the man s side. Ethan lifted tone and his eyes narrowed to hate-filled slits. I ll make sure he
his boot again, but Isabelle sprang towards him. No! Stop! Isabelle suffers for the rest of his days.
flung herself on to his back, pulling him away. Enough. Isabelle stepped back, aware that nothing would ever be the
Puffing, Ethan used his sleeve to wipe the blood dripping from same again. Her heart pained, spreading a dull ache throughout her
his mouth. Only death is good enough for him. body as if it knew what was to come and preparing her for it.
Get out of me house! Farrell spat from where he lay sprawled Father cannot be moved. The boys don t know about us . . .
on the floor. And get yerself away from me wife, yer whore s son! They see what Farrell has done, they will understand what you
Ethan lunged, fury twisting his handsome features, hauled tell them. As for your father, if he is to die anyway, do you think he
Farrell to his knees and punched him repeatedly in the face. Blood would stop you from escaping this hellish life?
spurted and ran free from Farrell s nose. Again, Isabelle reached for She twisted her fingers together. You don t understand. To move
Ethan. Stop. No more. him an inch causes him so much agony. I cannot make him endure
With a look of contempt, Ethan threw Farrell away from him like a carriage ride. Besides, going with you will only make matters
a rag doll. Tentatively, Isabelle touched his torn sleeve. He turned worse.
and his troubled eyes softened to warm toffee, he was puffing and How so?
sweat glistened his brow. I m sorry. Because I ll hunt yer both down and kill yer. Farrell spoke from
She didn t know if he felt sorry for her or for what he d done to the floor.
Farrell, but she had no time to ask as the boys entered the scullery Isabelle squealed and jumped back. Her eyes widened as Farrell,
and stood in the doorway. Hughie took a step forward, staring at wheezing, wobbled upright, using the wall as support. She gripped
the unconscious Farrell. Belle? Ethan s arm, preventing him from attacking and killing the other
It s all right. She nodded, but winced at Hughie s innocent gaze. man.
The enormity of the whole situation hit home. She staggered back Ethan s lip curled back in a snarl. You will soon find yourself
and leant against the table. Go upstairs, both of you. rotting in a cell and be unable to do a thing about it.
Hesitant to leave her, Hughie grudgingly ushered Bertie before Farrell s eyes narrowed. Report me to the authorities and she ll
him and they disappeared along the hallway. Isabelle gazed at be dead by dawn. The moment they arrive I ll put a knife through
Ethan, tears filling her eyes. her gut.
Oh, my love. Ethan gathered her into his arms and crushed her Isabelle bit back a whimper, knowing full well her husband
into his chest. I m so sorry. I didn t know he had returned. I ve just meant every word. Go home, Ethan. Please, she whispered.
arrived home today and mother told me. How long He looked at her as if she were mad. I m not leaving you here
Just hold me. She squeezed him tighter, sighing into the soft with him!
material of his grey coat. I ve missed you so. Fighting panic, she forced herself to talk reasonably, to silently
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beg him with her eyes, to listen to her, believe in her. I ll be all right, calculations, relief poured out of her as she realized the child wasn t
but you mustn t go to the police. Farrell won t touch me again. He her husband s. Inside her grew Ethan s baby. It was a comfort to
knows if he does you ll kill him. her, knowing that their love grew in her womb, but it also brought
No its own problems. A child changed things. It was another responsi-
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