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Tea and toast was ready for her when she went to find him. Oh, thank you,
Master. And I m glad you didn t make a big breakfast. On weekdays, I generally don t
eat till mid-morning.
He laughed. I suspected as much. The professional woman on the go. You look
wonderful. She turned around for him, modeling her slacks, turtleneck and sweater.
It s kind of you to say, so, Master but Versace would think otherwise, I m sure.
Ten minutes later she was ready to leave; he held her bag in his hand and stood at
the door, watching her slip on her sensible shoes. After a weekend spent barefoot most
of the time, the constriction on her feet felt awkward. He walked her to her car, put her
bag in the back seat and turned to her.
And now she hesitated. Somehow a thanks for a great weekend seemed inane.
But how did one say goodbye without sounding maudlin? He stepped forward as she
reached for the door handle, his hand on hers, turning her around to face him. His eyes
smoldered and she did not want to look away. Bending down, he kissed her deeply, his
tongue reaching in through her parted lips to caress her. She opened to him, work
totally forgotten.
And then he pulled away. Abruptly, in the middle of the kiss. There, slave, he
said, that s for you to remember me by while you re away. With an insouciant smile,
he swatted her on the behind. Now, go to work.
Her heart pounding, she slid into her seat and he shut the door. Numbly, she
started the car, automatically putting it into gear and driving out of the driveway. She
was over half way to work before she began to set aside her thoughts of him and think
about her week ahead.
Secret Submission
Sarah s journal
The week between
In the history of passionate kisses, that one has to go down as being in the top five.
No, the top three. And the number one kiss of my life.
Does he know what that does to me? To have his tongue possess me in such a way?
His hands on my waist, holding firmly onto me so that I have nowhere to go? He must
know. He manipulates me too well for it to be an accident.
I know I don t often write in this journal; I see the last entry was several months
ago and concerned a major point in my life that now seems minor. But I suppose
that s the way with me. I only write here when things are getting intense in life and I
need a moment to stop and think about them and I do that better with a pen in my
And things are definitely getting intense between Phillip and me. He is incredible.
For two weeks I ve been trying to determine just what it is that turns me on so much
about him and I think I m getting closer to an answer.
He asked me to look at some websites this week and to keep an open mind. I sat
down Monday night when I got home, to just take a quick glance at a few of them while
dinner was on the stove. To make a long story short, I burned dinner and only explored
one site most of the night. And it wasn t even a particularly exotic or exciting site!
It was a medical site apparently written by women for women that went into great
detail about women s genitalia and every possible thing that could be associated with it.
There was so much information there that I never learned in health class! I ve seen some
of the porno pictures of naked women before, and always thought, Well, I don t look
like that. But I d never really looked at myself before. I knew I had a clit but had little
knowledge about it. After seeing those pictures on that site and then examining myself
in a mirror, well, let s just say I can t believe I ve missed out on so much.
One of the places I spent a lot of time was in the fantasies section of that site. It
really explained a little better to me why I like it when Phillip ties me up and calls me
slave. Even writing those words causes a flutter in my stomach. There s a part of me
that still doesn t believe I voluntarily did what I did on both of these last two weekends.
And even while that part of me watches in disbelief, my mind readily accepts the fact
that I will go back again this Friday for more of the same treatment.
At least I know now that I m not alone or abnormal in my submissiveness. It
sounds like many women would like to experience what I have experienced with
Phillip. That gives me a great deal of comfort, believe me.
Diana Hunter
One of the girls at work mentioned today that a bunch of them were going to the
movies on Friday night did I want to come along? I told her I had plans and she asked
if I had a date. I told her yes and then changed the subject. But it got me to thinking. If I
spend every weekend with Phillip, what does that do to the rest of my social life? Not
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