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bomber and attacking the Japanese fleet.
Torpedo all enemy ships. Beware of the time limit.
In order to complete this mission, you must sink 6 ships
within the 10-minute time limit. Three of them are out in
the bay while the other three are docked at the piers.
Start with the docked ships first, since they are the most
All three ships at the piers are warships and fire
anti-aircraft guns at you. The fact that they are docked
also means that you can only attack them from one side.
Attack the smaller two ships a destroyer and a cruiser
first and save the biggie for last. The destroyer takes only one torpedo hit before it
sinks, while the cruiser requires two hits. Approach from the bay and come in fast to
avoid taking too much fire. After launching your torpedo, climb and turn to the left to
head back out to the bay.
TIP: When attacking the warships, try diving down to one side of them, then
pulling level just in time to launch your torpedo before climbing away. This
seriously reduces the damage you take during an attack run.
After you sink the smaller two warships, go
after the super battleship, Yamato. This monster
takes three hits in order to sink! Your best angle for
attack is from the rear, since this allows you to launch
your torpedo from maximum range. You can also try
diving in from the side, but have to drop closer since
there is not as much water between the ship and the
The final three ships are the transports
anchored out in the bay. None of them have any
defenses, so just put a torpedo in the side of each one to complete the mission.
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Blazing Angels Squadrons of WWII: PRIMA Official Game Guide
Dogfight Mini Campaign
There are six different missions in the Dogfight Mini Campaign. However, all have the
same objectives and require the same tactics in order to be victorious.
Eliminate enemy formations.
Whether you choose to dogfight over London, Africa, Pearl Harbor, Rabaul, Paris, or
Berlin, you still have to shoot down 20 enemy planes in 10 minutes. At each location
you will face mostly fighters with a few bombers thrown in for good measure. It does not
matter which type of plane you shoot down they all
count as a single kill. Luckily, there are usually only four
or five planes in the air at any one time you don't have
to worry about all twenty at once.
While you are hunting the enemy, the fighters
are also hunting you. Fly aggressively on the attack, but
also be wary of a bandit getting on your six. The key is
to keep turning. Avoid long stretches of flying straight
since that makes it easy for an enemy fighter to get
behind and shoot you down.
TIP: The target view comes in really handy during the dogfight missions.
Use it along with the Closest Threat button to find bandits sneaking up on
your six.
It's important to know how to lead your target for these missions. Rarely will you
be able to get on an enemy's tail without them turning to get away. Therefore, you
should fire when your targeting reticule is ahead of
the enemy plane so that when your bullets travel the
distance, the enemy will have flown right into them.
As a general rule, the greater the angle of different
between your heading and the enemy's, the farther
you need to lead the target. With a little practice, you
will soon know the sweet spot at which to aim to bring
down an enemy.
Since you have a time limit, don't spend a lot of
time chasing after enemies. If your target is running
away, switch targets. There will usually be another somewhere behind you trying to get
on your tail.
TIP: Be careful when engaging the bombers. They have gunners that will fire
on you as you approach. Plus, the extra time it takes to shoot down a
bomber will give the enemy fighters a chance to get in some shots of their
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Blazing Angels Squadrons of WWII: PRIMA Official Game Guide
Arcade Mode
Arcade mode puts you in a big dogfighter with you flying solo against lots of enemies.
You can fly any of the planes you have unlocked during the campaign game.
Destroy waves of 12 enemy fighters.
Arcade mode is tough because it is just you and 12
enemies trying to shoot each other down. In addition,
you begin with a two-minute time limit. Every time you
down an enemy plane, you receive a bonus that adds
time to your clock.
It is not the time limit that makes this game
tough it is the number of enemies. You can assume
that when you are going after an enemy, one of his
wingmen is on your tail. Therefore, unless there is only one plane left in the wave, never
fly in a straight line after someone. Instead, turn and get the guy who is moving in on
your six.
To defeat each wave, use the target camera view in conjunction with the Closest
Threat button. By using the two together, you can keep track of who is behind you, then
turn to shoot them down.
TIP: It is tempting to novice pilots to stay in a constant slow turn. However,
while that may work in early waves, subsequent waves will send you flaming
into the ground. Instead, turn in both directions while climbing or diving to
make it hard to get a bead on you.
You need to mix up your maneuvers to keep the enemy from hitting you. Slow
during a turn to cut in on an enemy for a kill, speed up
when you climb or perform an Immelman (which is like
a half loop), and jink back and forth from right to left to
throw off fighters following you. Keep moving around to
have a better chance of surviving. Do this because you
want a fully repaired plane before the next wave begins.
TIP: After you complete the waves in an Arcade game, you will unlock an
improved version of the plane you flew.
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