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The third and final raid boss, Golkonda, the Longhorn General (level 79), resides
at the 11th floor of ToI.
Let s say your army have managed to kill all three, and you obtained 3 Infernium
Return to Maestro Reorin and give him the Scepters. He will ask you to go to Oren
to find Warehouse Freightman Cliff and get Infernium Varnish for Neutralization of
Infernium Scepter.
Deliver Infernium Varnish to Maestro Reorin, he will ask you to make a trip to Aden
Town to meet Head Blacksmith Ferris to get his Hammer in order to make A grade
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weapon. (Head Blacksmith Ferris is in the smithy in the south-eastern part of Town of
Bring the Hammer to Maestro Reorin. He will send you to Trader Zenkin to fetch
some Mold. Trader Zenkin says he sold the Mold to Master Kaspar at Hardins Private
Master Kaspar says that in order to obtain the Mold, you will need to get Baium s
blood by using the Pipette Knife that Master Kaspar gives you. To enter Baium s room,
you need to get Blooded Fabric from An Arrogant Search Quest.
Use Blooded Fabric against the Angelic Vertex (located at the12th floor of Tower
of Insolence) and enter the room, wake Baium and hit him with Pipette Knife to collect his
blood. (Do you really think you can get away with this?)
This way or that (blessed SoE is the key), come back to Master Kaspar and
exchange Baium s Blood for the Mold.
Prepare your Staff of Evil Spirit or whatever top B grade weapon you have (its
enchants/enhancements will not be carried over) and 984 B grade crystals. Deliver
everything along with the Mold to Maestro Reorin. He will exchange your items for a low A
grade weapon of your choice and Star of Destiny which is a quest item for the Subclass
6.5. The Subclass Quest
Upon reaching the level cap (75), you can choose an option of creating a subclass,
to discover a new dimension in your character development. As a Spellhowler, you cannot
choose the following professions for your subclass: Overlord, Warsmith, Sorcerer,
Spellsinger, Temple Knight, Swordsinger, Plainswalker, Silver Ranger, Elemental
Summoner, Elven Elder (i.e. you have 20 remaining classes to choose from).
- You must be level 75.
- You must have finished the Fate's Whisper (A Grade Weapon) quest
in order to start your path to a subclass.
- You need to also have the Supplier of Reagents quest (A grade armor
recipe/materials quest) registered.
The subclass quest itself is called Mimir s Spring Water, or Mimir s Elixir.
Mimir s Spring Water
Talk to Magister Ladd at the 4th floor of Ivory Tower. Ladd tells you to bring him
Pure Silver, which can only be obtained through the other quest, Supplier of Reagents.
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Talk to Supplier Wesley at basement of Ivory Tower (the shopping area). He will
give you the Supplier of Reagents quest which is needed to get the quest items. Once
you've got this quest, you can talk to the Cauldron located in the basement and see
various things you can make by combining quest items.
The only formulas you need to know from this list are:
10 Moonstone shards + 1 Volcano Ash = 1 Moondust
10 Moondust + 1 Quick Silver = 1 Lunargent
1 Lunargent + 1 Quick Silver = 1 Pure Silver
Hunt Hallate's Maids (level 66) in ToI and Hames Orc Shamans (level 74) at the
Blazing Swamp until you collect 100 Moonstone Shards, 10 Volcano Ashes, and 2 Quick
Once you have collected all items, bring them to Ivory Tower, come to the
Cauldron and combine them according to the formulae above to get Pure Silver. You can
gamble a bit on the lesser reagents and select a high temperature to get more than one.
Choose 1 degree to be safe and not risk failure. However, you must choose 1 degree
when making the Pure Silver. This is specified in the quest.
Bring the Pure Silver to Ladd on the 4th floor of Ivory Tower. He will tell you he
needs True Gold.
Talk to Magister Joan on the 3rd floor of Ivory Tower. She will ask you to get a
Stone of Wisdom. Get to Aden, teleport to Forsaken Plains, and head to the Giants Cave.
Enter the Silent Valley and look for Chimera Piece (level 72 group monster with 1/2 HP).
You can find them below the Giant's Cave, either at the south or east of the valley. Kill
them until you get the Stone of Wisdom, then make your way back to IT.
Talk to Magister Joan in IT again, give her the stone, receive the True Gold.
Talk again to Ladd at the 4th floor of IT and give him the True Gold.
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