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thinking, on the train. I do want children. It s only that I never considered what it would be like to
actually have a baby in the house. His eyes became dreamy.  We must buy a house, Claire. A nice,
big house that we can fill with children and the love we bear each other.
She pushed close into his arms and held him.  Oh, my dear, she whispered huskily.  My dear. I
can t bear the happiness!
 Neither can I. But I think we ll manage, he added on a laugh.  What a Christmas it will be.
Have you thought about it? Between us, we have the most wonderful present that any two people could
ever anticipate. We have the promise of a child!
She pressed closer to him, shivering with joy.  We ll go home with your parents?
 Yes, we will. And I can promise you the most joyous Christmas you ve ever known. He lifted
his head and looked down into her beautiful gray eyes with exultation.  Claire, he exclaimed,  it s
going to be glorious!
And it was.
ISBN: 978-1-4268-7572-4
Copyright � 1997 by Diana Palmer
First Published by Ballantine Books
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