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One of Garret s brown brows arched up. You don t think we re a good match?
Holden blinked at the man s odd choice of words. There s not a lot of interaction
between my department and yours. I work more closely with my brother Declan. Declan
works with Emily. I m not sure why Sean put us together.
Garret s mouth quirked knowingly as if he had knowledge Holden didn t. Resisting the
urge to shift uncomfortably in his chair, Holden snuck a glance at the guy. He sat there cool as
a cucumber, his expression enigmatic, while Holden could barely keep from fidgeting.
Holden looked down at his hands then and dropped the pen he d been twirling. When he
raised his head, his gaze collided with Garret s. The scent of spearmint intensified and a
nervous sweat broke out on the skin between Holden s shoulder blades, making his clan mark
itch. He sucked in a breath as realization hit him.
You re a dragon.
Garret nodded, the enigmatic expression giving way to amusement. Your natural enemy.
I m a green.
Holden made a rude sound. The dragon clans haven t fought in a millennia. And even
then, there was nothing natural about it. All the wars were about power. Not color or clan.
Legend says we were all one color in the beginning. Our natural enemies were humans, not
each other.
A huge smile broke out on Garret s face. You re a purist.
Holden s stomach lurched. Geez, the man had the most brilliant smile he d ever seen. He
shook his head. I m a realist. Dragons were not born to kill each other. We were never each
other s natural enemies. Humans on the other hand instinctively want to be rid of any being
stronger than themselves. Their fear drives them.
Both of Garret s brows rose, but his smile stayed intact. A psychology major.
Biological Anthropology. Holden grinned, beginning to relax. Maybe the weekend
wouldn t be so bad after all. In fact, it would be perfect if he had a victim. Hey! Do you
play& ?
Tennis, Garret finished for him with a nod toward Holden s college trophies. Although
not in your league.
That was years ago. My reflexes aren t so fast anymore. I sit at a desk all day after all.
Garret s brow cocked up again. You don t look so out of shape.
Holden shrugged. I m not, but I don t play much anymore and to stay at the top of your
form you have to play every day. I had the skill to go pro, but not the drive. I like working for
my family. He grimaced. My brother is a pain in the ass, but I wouldn t work for any other
Your brothers, this company& Antaeus is a powerful name in this industry, Garret said
quietly. I was flattered that Alfred wanted me for the FDG and Stone. I was floored when
Sean said he d pay me more to come here.
Holden laughed. I ll bet Alfred was tweaked. He s one of Sean s closest friends so I m sure
he gave my brother an earful, but the rest of us would never know it.
Strangely, Alfred took it all very calmly, as if he had expected it to happen.
Holden prepared himself for the sense of familiarity when he met Garrett s gaze. I m
sorry if I gave you the impression I was pissed at having to share a room with you.
Something indefinable flickered in Garret s eyes. He rose from his chair. It s all right. I ve
been feeling a bit out of my element today so I overreacted. He turned toward the door. I ll
see you up at the resort. Maybe we can get in a couple of rounds of tennis while we re there.
Holden smiled. I d like that. Welcome to Antaeus International, Garret.
The other man looked back over his shoulder. Thank you. A brief smile flashed across
his face and then he was gone.
Holden sat staring at the closed door for long minutes, the scent of spearmint lingering
faintly in the office. The anger he d felt at Sean s manipulations had fizzled during his
conversation with Garret. He should know better than to get pissed anyway. It never changed
anything. Holden had never known anyone to get his way more than Sean.
On his way to the elevator, he ran into Declan. Nothing from Australia? he asked.
His brother shook his head. Not yet.
They both stepped into the elevator. As the door closed, Holden said, Why did Sean
stick me with the new guy?
Declan shrugged. Why does Sean do anything? Everything is about control with him.
Has he messed with your private life too? Holden s gaze sharpened as he looked at his
older brother.
What private life? The words were cool and sardonic with a bitter edge.
Sympathy washed over Holden. His older brother had a huge thing for Elysia Granville,
one of the most powerful women in their industry. However, she was engaged to the
industry s biggest asshole, Austin Stone. Holden didn t understand how such a smart woman
had ended up with such a monumental jackass. A woman like her belonged with a man like
his brother, not a weasel like Austin.
I gather Sean s little jaunt to the mountains is interfering with your plans, Declan said,
his voice rumbling out of his broad chest.
Holden looked up to find his brother s expression filled with understanding. Yeah. It s
gonna cost me a bundle too between the deposit on the suite at the spa and keeping Gina
from being disappointed.
Declan s eyes twinkled. Buy her an expensive bracelet. She s mercenary enough to be
placated by rocks.
The elevator stopped at the underground garage and they headed toward their assigned
parking spots. Why do you and Sean think that s all Gina wants from me? Holden grumbled
as he watched his brother s tall form move toward his Mercedes.
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