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He took the car keys from her hand, casually stuffing them into his pocket before
entwining his fingers with hers. Gwen leaned against him as they walked toward the
Wal-Mart entrance. Somehow, just his presence seemed reassuring. Still, her mind ran
rampant with possibilities. What if they didn t find the treasure?
The image of her grandmother s spirit ripped at her heart.
And then there was Stede.
Gwen glanced up at him. He wore Roger s body far better than Roger could ever
have. There was an ease about him and a quick-witted intelligence that Gwen found
tremendously sexy.
She tried to imagine what she would feel like if she had suddenly been thrust three
hundred years into the future. She d be terrified. Stede had adapted to wildly modern
technology with speed and little difficulty.
Debra Glass
He seemed genuinely respectful and caring two qualities Roger had never
possessed. Stede was exactly the kind of man Gwen could easily fall for. There was just
one problem. At twilight, Blackbeard was going to commandeer the body.
Then what?
Her mind raced.
Gwen inhaled. How could she give Stede up?
He jumped when the doors opened automatically.
It s okay. Gwen laced her fingers with his and led him inside. She pulled a
shopping cart loose from the others and headed into the store with Stede at her heels.
Good afternoon, a smiling Wal-Mart greeter said.
A good day to you as well, sir, Stede said and started to make a bow before Gwen
seized his arm and dragged him away.
A simple hello will suffice, she whispered.
I was only exhibiting the proper decorum
That s all well and good, she interjected. But proper decorum has changed since
your time.
She watched him, touched as his eyes grew wide at the sight of a fully stocked Wal-
Mart in all its glory.
Tantalizing scents drifted from the bakery. Gwen breathed in the nostalgia-
inspiring aroma of sugar cookies and her insides constricted as she was sorely
reminded of her grandmother.
In the center of an aisle, a cardboard Pirates of the Caribbean display had been set up
complete with toys, movies and a chest of plastic treasure. Stede eyed the gleaming
artificial doubloons skeptically. Fake?
His gaze scanned the rest of the place. This is a dry goods store? he asked.
Wal-Mart has everything, Gwen said as she turned toward the garden center.
Stede followed, gaping, his head turning from side to side as he took in as much as
possible. I never would have dreamed a place like this was possible, he exclaimed.
Gwen stole a glance at him and the smile that lit up his face and his blue eyes
caused her heart to constrict. How could she have ever thought he would betray her?
An ugly surge of guilt settled uncomfortably in her gut. In just a few short hours,
she would be performing a spell that would give the body to his mortal enemy. She d
told Stede she could unseat Blackbeard and put him back in the body but she wasn t at
all sure that was possible.
The griot s sing-song Gullah reared in her head. You let dis go, witch, or you in fo a
worle o hurt.
Still, her Granny s soul was at stake.
Ah, he said. Shovels.
Gwen felt sick as Stede loaded one shovel into the cart. Grab another one, she
I ll not have you digging about!
Gwen smiled but inside she felt miserable. I assure you I m capable of digging a
hole. She slid around him and added a second shovel to the cart. We re going to need
a metal detector.
Stede leaned in close. Is there a& what did you call it? A restroom nearby?
Gwen spied several brands of metal detectors. There should be one near the door
where we came in. It will either say men on it or have a picture of a man.
He gave a nod.
Meet back here, she said.
I shan t be long.
Gwen watched him walk away. His walk was even more self-assured than Roger s.
His posture was perfect without looking stilted and he took purposeful, long strides
that made his jeans conform enticingly to his backside. As if he could feel her gaze on
his back, he turned and flashed a heart-stopping smile.
Gwen drew in a deep breath. Her insides tensed and she had to force herself to tear
her gaze away from him and concentrate on the metal detectors. Unable to think, she
finally grabbed the most expensive one and then manhandled the box into the cart
along with the shovels.
Stede returned just as she was pushing the cart toward the checkout.
Gwen retrieved a lighter and a map of Charleston from a rack at the checkout and
handed them to the lady behind the counter.
Stede watched attentively as the clerk scanned the items and gave Gwen the total.
After Gwen slid her debit card through the reader, Stede took it from her and
turned it over in his hand. This is your form of payment? he asked quietly.
Yes, Gwen said as he handed it back to her.
He took the cart from her. Allow me.
Gwen stepped aside and walked beside him as he pushed the cart out of the store.
How is your payment backed?
Cash in the bank.
I see, he said. And that device reads the card and removes the funds from your
Gwen s lips pulled into a smile. She was amazed at how quick he was. Yep. You
know, Stede, for a man who s been dead for several hundred years, you sure catch on
When they arrived at the car, Stede handed her the keys and Gwen popped the
trunk with the key remote.
Go ahead and get in, Stede said. I ll transfer our purchase to this hold.
Debra Glass
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