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reactions to him were too unpredictable.
 Are we almost there? He echoed her thoughts.
 Yes, but I just thought of something. How will you get to your hotel when
we ve finished talking? If he expected to spend the night, he was deluded.
 I ll call my driver. It s not a problem. He stroked her cheek with the backs of
his fingers; his gentle touch catching her by surprise.  Why are you so uneasy? You
weren t afraid when we got in the car.
Aubrey Ross A Taste of Twilight - 36 -
Fear didn t automatically make a person weak. Jessie had learned to listen to her
instincts a long time ago. Rafe was dangerous. Even if he wasn t involved in the
murders, he was dangerous. His sexy nonchalance just didn t add up with the shrewd
intelligence gleaming in his eyes.
 I don t know you and I think it s unwise for a woman to be completely alone
with a man she doesn t know. Any man.
 Were you victimized by a man? Is that what made you so untrusting?
She pulled into the hotel s parking lot and pulled her keys out of the ignition.
 This isn t a personal affront. I just prefer that our conversation take place in the hotel
 Jessica. He waited until she looked at him to continue.  I would never hurt
 I don t know that for sure. She opened her car door before adding,  If you
knew me at all, you d know I prefer Jessie.
Chapter Five
Rafe got out of the car and folded his arms on the roof as he scanned the parking
lot. They appeared to be alone. Good, it was better if no one saw them disappear. He d
wanted to calmly explain what was going on and then transport with Jessica to his
fortress in upstate New York. Her stubborn streak was forcing his hand.
 I know which diminutive you prefer, Jessica. I think it s ridiculous for someone
so beautiful to be called by such a masculine name.
She turned around, as he knew she would, and marched back to him.  Being a
female cop was a pain in the ass. Any physical appeal I might possess was and will
always be an unwelcome complication. I don t appreciate your condescension and I
won t answer to Jessica. My name is Jessie.
 If you insist. He shrugged and held out his hand.  You re wearing my jacket.
Her jaw dropped for an instant before she snapped it shut.  If I won t answer to
Jessica, you won t answer my questions?
 I m not a cop, you asked me here, and you re a beautiful woman whether
you re willing to acknowledge the fact or not.
She sighed and swung his jacket from her shoulders.  Call me whatever you like,
but you re not coming up to my room.
 Fair enough. She held out his jacket and he grabbed her wrist, reeling her in
until she was flush with his body.  We ll go to mine. He wrapped his arms around her
and constructed a detailed image within his mind. Home. Take us home.
She shoved against his chest, then cried out and wrapped her arms around him
as they catapulted into the sky. Warm and soft, she felt wonderful clinging to him. He
focused on their destination and soared. Cool air caressed his skin and whipped his hair
Aubrey Ross A Taste of Twilight - 38 -
across his face. Sight wasn t necessary to guide their course, so he buried his face in her
hair and held her close.
Faelon claimed he knew Antonelli was meant for him the first time he kissed her.
He d described it as an elemental stirring, an instinctive knowing that he d found his
mate. Rafe had thought it romantic drivel, until he kissed Jessica. Her spirit fascinated
him. He sensed her nobility, but more than anything she felt right in his arms.
 This isn t real, it isn t real. You re dreaming. People can t fly.
Her disbelieving whisper made him smile. Headstrong and self-assured, Jessica
was trying to rationalize away the experience even as they sped through the night. And,
unfortunately for her, the surprises had just begun. He d wanted to ease her into this, to
offer her analytical mind information and allow her senses to confirm the undeniable
truths. Natalie had thrown down the gauntlet. Whether Jessica was ready or not, the
competition had begun.
 We re almost there, sweetheart. Try and relax. Landings can be tricky.
Visualizing his bedroom, he finalized their destination. He tightened his arms
around her, pressing her trembling body against his chest, his groin, his thighs. She
might have been more at ease if they materialized in his living room, but his bed would
offer a softer landing. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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