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132 Gabrielle Evans
but damn it s hard. I get sick at my stomach just thinking about
something happening to her or the baby.
I know the feeling, babe. We re being a bit overbearing though.
She s perfectly capable of taking care of herself, and we both know
Okay, Damon relented. I m still taking her shopping for a new
car, though. She needs a vehicle here while we re at work. I don t
want her being here alone without a way to get somewhere if she
needs to.
I think that s a great idea. Tate looped his arms around Damon s
neck and kissed him chastely. I don t really need a vehicle since I
mostly ride with you. We ll trade mine in for something suitable. I
wonder if she d go for a minivan? I hear they re very safe.
Damon chuckled before kissing him again. Yeah, I can just see
her sporting a minivan.
Not on your life. Tate turned for find Ryah watching them. She
looked so appalled he had to turn away to hid his smile. I will not
drive a minivan.
Whatever you want, baby, Damon placated.
Good. Then I want Tate s car.
Damon s face mirrored Ryah s from moments before. Why on
earth would you want that piece of crap?
Tate stepped back and slapped Damon in the chest. What the
fuck is wrong with my car? Wow, his mate could be a snob
Absolutely nothing, Ryah said before Damon could answer.
It s practically new, and you barely drive it. It has four doors and is
as safe as they come. I think it s pretty cute actually. There is no sense
in going out to buy another car when there is nothing wrong with the
one in our driveway.
My car is not cute! Tate started to become more irritated by the
Of course not. Ryah waved a hand in dismissal. I meant it is a
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nice car, sexy even. She smirked at him, daring him to argue.
He couldn t help but smile. What would we do without you?
Ryah bounced over to place a kiss on his cheek. Be broke and
alone with only each other for company. She gave a mock shudder.
No one should have to live like that.
Hey! Tate and Damon shouted together.
Ryah winked and raced out of the room, hightailing it to the
bedroom where she slipped in and locked the door quickly.
* * * *
She had serious doubts as to what planet her mates lived on. She
held up the itty-bitty black bikini and frowned. They wanted her to
wear this thing in public? To give them credit, they had given her
something to wear over it a pair of black leather chaps. Add that to
the cowgirl boots and black Stetson, and Ryah couldn t stop the
shudder that ran through her.
You are out of your ever loving mind.
Come on, you ll look hot, Tate persuaded.
I am not meeting the elders of your colony dressed like Annie
Poke-Me or Come-In-Me Jane. Nope, not going to happen.
Damon laughed so hard tears sprang to his eyes. Where s your
sense of adventure?
I sold it on eBay for a diaper bag.
Tate and Damon roared with more laughter. It s Halloween,
baby. Everyone is going to be wearing a costume, Tate coaxed.
This, Ryah waved the tiny scraps of fabric at them, is not a
costume. It s a tissue. What are you wearing?
Tate winked. Be right back. He grabbed Damon s hand and
dragged him from the room.
Ryah sighed. Six weeks into her pregnancy, and she felt like a
cow. Though she hadn t gained any weight, she felt puffy and
bloated. Her hormones were out of control, her moods all over the
134 Gabrielle Evans
place. Bless her men, they just rolled with the punches, dodging
occasionally, but mostly absorbing the blows.
She couldn t wear the skimpy little costume in public. She was
going to be someone s mother for sobbing out loud.
Yes, she was going to have a baby and be responsible for the life
of another human being. She didn t know anything about babies, but
she promised herself she would be the best mother she knew how to
be. She would never treat her child the way her mother had treated
her. Her son or daughter would be showered in love and attention.
And damn her men were so cute about the whole thing. Ryah
couldn t ask for better daddies. She never knew her dad, but she
counted herself lucky for it. She wished she knew where he lived,
though. She d hunt his ass down and make him pay for the life he had
left her to endure with her mother.
How could they never tell her who or what she was? Had her
entire life been a lie? If she didn t already hate her mother, her mating
heat would have clenched the deal.
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