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Tanner barked out a noise that was half argument.
 No. He slapped that ass, his hand bouncing back.
 Fuck... Tanner s thighs spread, hips dancing for
 Soon. That was more like it. Way more like it.
Stirling moved closer, his legs pressing on either side of
Tanner s thighs, hand flying as he bruised that sweet
 Please, mate... He heard the low, whined words,
Tanner begging him, calling him mate.
Stirling could have howled.
He lifted up so he could raise Tanner s hips,
spreading those hot asscheeks with his thumbs. He
needed Tanner s hole wet and ready.
 Mine. Tell me.
Tanner took too long to answer and he popped that
tiny hole once.
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 Yours. Fuck. Please. Please, more.
 I got you. He bent, licking at that hot little hole,
tongue pushing in.
 Yes... Those cheeks were hot-hot against his face,
Tanner s little yelps perfect.
Stirling licked, getting Tanner wet, ready, easing the
way for what came next.
The sounds that left his lover made his cock ache,
made his balls draw up. God, that was stunning. He just
wanted to fuck Tanner into the ground.
He lifted his lips, then bit one glowing asscheek.
 Tell me you want it.
 I need it. Please. Now.
 Good. He pulled back, getting his hand wet so he
could slick up his cock.
 Hurry up, damn it.
Just for that he smacked Tanner s ass one more time.
 Pushy brat. When I m ready.
 Like you re the fucking boss.
 I am. He pushed the head of his cock against
Tanner s hole.  I m the fucking Pack alpha, babe.
 Not Pack. Tanner groaned, bearing down on him.
 You are, damn it. He slammed right in, all the way,
and bent to bite Tanner s neck, shaking a little.
 Fuck... Tanner arched, bucked against him, driving
on his prick.
There was no more arguing, no more snarling. Just
rutting with his lover. Fucking that tight hole. Hearing
soft encouragement and Tanner s moans. He grabbed
Tanner s hips and moved the man back and forth,
rocking and rolling. God, it was amazing. Stirling
moved faster, his cock feeling like it was in a vise.
 Yes. Tanner s words brushed against his ear.
 More. Need.
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 Love this. Need you. He gave Tanner the words,
knowing they could be as important to the man as the
teeth were to the wolf.
 Yes. Tanner s teeth nipped his earlobe.  In me.
 Because you re mine. He was in fucking heaven,
and he was going to keep this.
 Yours. Tanner bit his jaw, ass pulling him in
Their skin slapped together, their pants blending into
one breath. Mates.
Tanner s body squeezed him, milking his prick,
rocking him. Stirling let go, let the rhythm and the
dominance and everything else go and fucked Tanner
like there was no tomorrow. He needed to come so bad
his teeth hurt.
Tanner s yowl split the air, and his teeth sank into
Tanner s nape and his lover rippled around him. Stirling
lost it, shooting hard, his body bucking as he spilled
inside Tanner s body.
He slumped forward, landing on Tanner s back with
a thump. Tanner grunted, holding his weight well
enough. Good man.
 Better, Stirling mumbled.
Tanner s answer was a soft rumbling moan.
Stirling chuckled. They still had a good bit of shit to
work out, but this? This they had down pat.
His ass was sore.
His neck was sore.
The bite on his shoulder burned.
Tanner was going crazy, like his skin didn t fit.
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He turned the bacon, drank deep of his coffee and
tried not to growl. The smell of coffee irritated his nose,
and every time he moved his butt did this tingly thing...
 Morning, babe. Stirling kissed the back of his neck.
The bite there flared, making his cock jerk and his
balls draw up.
 Morning, he growled.
 Oh, grumpy. Slowly, deliberately, Stirling
squeezed Tanner s left ass cheek.
 Don t... He was going to lose it. He so was.
 Why not? It s hot, you wearing my marks. I like it.
That hand squeezed again. Hard.
 Hey... He barked once, toes curling as he rocked
 So pretty. I like you in my house. Stirling was all
growls and slinky noises, those hands seeming to touch
It made him want to bite something, as annoyed as he
was turned on. He wasn t a pack member, to be bossed
around and possessed.
He pulled the bacon out, pushed the pan to the back
of the stove, turned off the burner, all the while trying to
control the rumbles in his chest.
 What s with you? Stirling spun him around neatly
and kissed him.
 Everything aches. He bit Stirling s bottom lip.
 Good. That asshole swatted his butt. Again.
 Don t! His cock was going to leave a stain in his
sweats, he was so hard.
 Why not? It s my ass. Stirling looked so
goddamned smug.
 Yours? It s attached to me. He kissed the sorry son
of a bitch, hard.
Stirling kissed him right back, lifting him up so his [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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