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answer." I felt the blush rush up my cheeks and I groaned. "And now I'm properly embarrassed.
Can we go?"
Matt smiled. "We didn't want to embarrass you, we were just wondering if you might
have been lying to us."
I shook my head. "I'm only eighteen for crying out loud."
Koda laughed. "Shit, eighteen was the beginning of my man-whore days."
Ares groaned. "Don't remind me. You weren't very discreet about it either. I still haven't
forgiven you for screwing that girl in my room while I was sleeping in there."
"Ew," I said wrinkling up my nose. "This is why I tried to hide from everyone. Girls are
catty and cynical and guys are gross and only think about one thing."
Matt said, "Food."
Ares said, "Hunting."
Koda said, "Fighting."
My mouth gaped open at them for a moment. "Seriously? Sex! All men think about is
sex. And obviously Koda is a prime example," I said, pointing towards him.
Koda rolled his eyes. "Don't ask about Ares then."
I looked sideways at Ares and wondered how many women he had slept with. He is
really old. Probably best not to ask. I shook my head. "Let's go guys. I'm hungry."
Ares smiled. "If you would change, we could take you on a real hunt."
I shook my head. "I'm not going to change."
Ares groaned. "You'll have to change eventually Artemis. Just because you don't change
doesn't mean you aren't a werewolf."
"Whatever. I'm not changing yet."
Ares snarled. "You know, I could force you to change."
I snarled. "Don't even try it."
Matt stepped between us. "Calm down. Everyone calm down. Let's get home and find
some food."
Ares stopped snarling and shook his head. "Whoever is messing with us is very powerful.
I'll need to speak to Victor right away." I squatted down in an attack stance as Ares took a step
towards me. He sighed. "Artemis, I promise I am not going to try to change you right now. I just
wanted to carry you so that we could get back to the village faster."
I shook my head. "Let Matt carry me if you are telling the truth."
Ares snarled. "Would you rather Matt or Koda carry you than me touch you? If I hadn't
come when I had, would I have found you and Koda doing other things?"
I stopped snarling and stared at him, seeing the hurt in his eyes. I stood up and shook my
head with my hands on top of my head. "I'm sorry. This isn't like me. You're right, we need to
get back soon because this person is screwing with me really bad."
Ares picked me up in his arms and ran without another word. He ran through the thick
forest dodging trees and jumping over fallen logs like it was a flat surface. I enjoyed the feel of
his hot naked flesh against my arm and face. I rubbed my face in the crook of his neck as he ran.
He shivered and slowed down. I kissed the point where his neck and shoulder met and kissed my
way up his neck to his ear. He moaned and grabbed my face with the hand that had been holding
my legs. I dropped to the ground and he snarled at me making me lie flat on the ground, waiting
for my punishment. He growled into my ear. "Do not tease me. I understand it is hard to control
these emotions, especially since you have not had them before. My control is waning though and
I do not want to try to finish what you are starting if that is not what you want. So stop teasing
me and sit still until we get back."
I glanced down his body and saw what he meant about his waning control. I swallowed
hard and looked back up at him. "I'm sorry." I leaned up and licked his cheek short and quick. I
gasped and lay back down, shocked by what I had just done.
Ares smiled. "Don't worry, that's a submissive apology that wolves do to each other. It's
natural that you would do that to me in this situation." He licked my cheek back and said,
"You're forgiven." He stood up and turned to Matt. "You need to carry her. I fear that my control
has been extremely diminished."
Matt laughed. "I can see that." Matt walked over and held out his hand to me. "Come on,
Love. I'll carry you the rest of the way."
I took his hand and let him help me stand up. He picked me up in his arms and ran faster
than any of them had carried me before. The wind whipping my hair and face excited me and I
suddenly had the urge to run. I tore his arms away and fell to the ground on my feet. I started
running as fast as I could, blowing past Ares and Koda. I yelled in joy and felt a burst of energy
and began running even faster.
I could hear Ares, Koda and Matt behind me, but I didn't care about anything except
running. It was the freest feeling I had ever experienced. I dodged around the trees, which I could
see surprisingly well for how fast I was going. It was more like I could sense them. The night air [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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