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She was startled when River moved back on her body. There was a soft plop when
his cock slipped from the tight grasp of her lips and her eyes flew open.
 I want to come inside you, he growled.  I ll come in your mouth later.
But then her mind shut off again. River expertly rolled on the latex and then lifted
her legs so they rested on his shoulders. She watched his eyes widen with hunger as
they took in her fully exposed pussy, wide open to him. Then he wrapped one hand
around his cock, pressed the head to her opening and began the slow glide inside her
Just as the night before, he was so thick her inner walls had to stretch to
accommodate him, but she was still so fresh from the orgasm he d given her, her cunt
still aching for something more, that this time it was much easier. When she felt the
head of his cock bump up against the mouth of her womb her eyes flew open and she
drew in a breath at the look on his face. In his eyes.
Yes, something more than the usual I want to fuck you right now she was used to in
the eyes of her few lovers. Usually followed by Great. You re hot. Call you sometime.
Kendra blinked, forcing her inner brain to shut off and giving herself over to pure
sensation. That s what she wanted. All she wanted. And oh god, was she getting it.
The ride took her to the top of the mountain, River driving in and out while his
thumb manipulated her clit and his eyes ate her up. Oh, oh, oh, it was so good. She
clutched at him, hanging on for dear life as the heat in her belly blossomed into a raging
inferno, spreading out to ignite every part of her body.
River tensed, every muscle in his body tight as he hammered into her.
When the orgasm crested and exploded she was flung into space upside down,
cartwheeling into a freefall. She shook and shuddered, River crying out her name as he
pulsed into her. The thin latex couldn t conceal the hot thickness of his semen as it jetted
from his cock.
She had no idea when all the spasms finally subsided, only that River collapsed
forward, his hot skin welded to hers, his breath dusting her like a desert wind. Their
hearts were beating so loudly she wasn t sure where hers left off and his began.
After a long time, he rose up on his arms and very slowly pulled from the clasp of
her cunt. She felt the tremors still racing over his body as he lifted his body away from
hers and slid off the bed to dispose of the condom.
Desiree Holt & Allie Standifer
I have to put a stop to this now. Before I start to hope again.
She was sitting up in bed, the sheet pulled up to cover her breasts when he came
back into the room.
His eyes widened.  Protecting yourself from something?
Kendra wet her lips.  Not at all. I thought I d make us some more coffee before you
He stared at her.  Leave? Why do I want to leave?
She sighed.  River. I had a reason for not telling you my last name. We had
stupendous sex last night but that s all it was, right?
 All it was? he parroted.
Kendra nodded.  And okay, we had more stupendous sex this morning. But that s
all, right? Isn t that the way the game is played? Especially with women like me?
Ohmigod. Had she actually said that out loud? Let those words escape from her
River stood there like an immovable mountain still staring at her for a long minute.
Kendra clutched the top of the sheet, wishing he d just say something so they could get
this over with. His hands curled into fists.
 Women like you? he repeated.  What the fuck is that supposed to mean?
She gave him her practiced, artificial laugh.  I know the drill. I wasn t born
yesterday. I m an& anomaly. Men like to find out what it s like to feel all that flesh
beneath the clothing. Then, when they re satisfied, they go right back to Barbie and life
goes on.
Again River didn t say anything, just stared at her as if she d been speaking a
foreign language.
 So, he said at last.  You ve stuck me in the same category with the other assholes
you ve apparently hooked up with and decide to kick me to the curb before I could
walk. Did I get that right?
She gripped the sheet harder to keep her hands from trembling.  I think that s the
sensible thing to do, don t you? She forced a smile that felt like a grimace.  I ll be
happy to make you a cup of coffee to celebrate the& the&  [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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