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what she was.  You get out of that bed, I will personally put your ass back in.
 Oh baby, you d better. His whole body felt kinda numb from the pain meds. His
knee felt scrambled and itchy. But that didn t stop him from knowing he still wanted to
fuck Anna.  Might be the only place we can do it for a while. We follow what Doc says,
we ll be fine.
 That s not a visual I need right now, thanks. Alex came forward.  Anna, I think
he means it.
  Course, Kyran said.
Anna punched both fists at her hips, still in teacher mode.  I m the reason you re
 Not your fault.
 Well, you re drugged, be real.
 I had my ass handed to me by a drugged-up coward with a crowbar, I know
She thought about it, lowered her arms.  Jeez, Kyran, you asked me to marry you
after I d puked. Ask me when you really mean it.
Quarterback Blitz
 A catheter is making me pee without standing up. He groaned thinking about it.
 That trumps puking. Marry me.
Alex groaned.  If that gets her to say yes, take note.
Her mouth dropped open, flapping a bit like a fish for a sec. Her eyes darted to his
waist. She knew why he brought up the tube going up his dick. He nodded once.
Thought he did anyway.
 Ohmigod, you do mean it. Anna looked around, back at him and slumped into
the chair, head down. Her shoulders shook.
 Anna! Doc, help her.
Hathaway moved.
She held up a hand, snorted.  Peeing& trumps& puking, who knew? She was
laughing now, loudly.
 The method of peeing does. Why were they talking about this? Oh yeah, he d
brought it up.  Look at me.
She raised her head, looking right into his eyes. Good.  You really mean it, Kyran?
This isn t the meds talking?
Doing what he could to reassure her, he stared back.  Everyone but Anna out  til
she calls you back in. He needed a minute with her.
Without a word, Hathaway cleared the room. Anna stood by the bed. She d not
answered yet.
 I mean it, baby. He d thought about buying her a ring when he flew into L.A., but
worried that it might be too soon for her. He thought about it again when he went
under, came out with the same decision.  Should have manned up and asked you to
marry me a week ago.
 You re going to resent me, she said.
 Not sure how you figure that.
 Will did this.
 Right, he did this.
 I was going to marry him. He s messed up.
 So is my ex.
 Oh god, they have to know. She suddenly rushed to the door.
 Anna, stop.
 Your ex called me, she said, whirling back around.  Last night, she called,
spewed something about Will and then threatened me to stay away from you with
photos. She s been acting all crazy, spouting off to the press about the two of you.
Someone should stop her.
 Not following. It can wait, Kyran said.
Anna paced nervously. For a sec, he thought he d puke next  cause she made him
dizzy.  It can t wait. Seville knew him.
Frances Stockton
 Anna, come here.
Her pacing halted. She came up to the bed.  What is it? You need the doctor?
Kyran held out his left hand.  I need you to listen.
 What, tell me?
 My playing days are done.
Anna took his hand, sitting herself on the edge of his bed. The bed dipped. His
body didn t move. The pillows kept his leg still.
 Kyran, are they sure? The doctors, I mean. To her credit, she stayed focused on
him, her hand clenching, but not hurting. Her support, yeah, it was there in her eyes.
 They are. It might ve been different if I hadn t had massive surgery on this knee
already. Thing is, I m going to need PT and time to heal. I m going to be a bear to deal
with in coming weeks, but I ll be okay as long as you re with me. Can t go forward
without you, you get me?
 I do get you. I m so sorry, she suddenly cried, resting her forehead against his.
Her tears splashed his face.  I love you, Kyran. So much that I d take your pain and
make it mine if I could.
 That mean yes?
 Hey now, better kiss me before Doc brings in the troops.
Anna shifted, her nose brushing his. Being careful, she kissed him twice, slipping
her tongue into his mouth to give him a taste of her. She drew back, he grinned.
 I can t believe you trumped me with your cock.
 Hey, I take pleasing you with it rather seriously. Too bad I can t move right now,
I d show you. His plan worked, he wasn t going to complain. He d hurt for a while. He
wouldn t complain.  Love you, woman.
 Right back at you, hero. She was smiling now. He d done something right.  I ll
get the others.
She stood up, proud again. Back in teacher mode, she took charge of who came in.
Alex, Derek, Doc, her friend Tracey, the cop and Phalen Maddox.
 Hey man,  sup? Phalen spoke first, coming to the bed.
 Just asked my woman to marry me, he answered.
 What do you know? The catheter line worked, Alex said, standing by Phalen.
 Swept her off her feet, he claimed.
Alex shook his head.  More like doubled her over.
 Are you feeling better now, Ms. James? Doc Hathaway went to her and touched
her head.  No fever.
 I m good.
 You got sick? Tracey asked.
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