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properties of time. The  islands of matter tweeplets left behind from the cooling photon fluid remained
dominated internally by the strong force while gravitation became the dominant influence In the
macroscopic realm created outside, and in many ways they continued to behave as microcosms of the
domain from which they had originated.
Even more remarkable was another prediction that followed from the Chironian symmetry relationships,
which required the creation of an  antiuniverse along with the universe, populated by antimatter and
consisting of an extraordinary realm in which  antitime ran backward and  antispace contracted from
an initial volume of zero, Universes, like particles, were created in pairs. And it was the duality of
universes, each exhibiting a spacetime decomposed into two discrete dimensions, which gave rise to the
two-way duality manifested by tweedles and antitweedles: Dums, dees, antidums, and antidees were
simply spacelike, timelike, antispacelike, and antitimelike projections of the same fundamental entity
existing in the timeless, spaceless domain of tweedlespace.
And, most astonishing of all, it required only one  hypertweedle in tweedlespace to account for all the
projections perceived as dums, dees, antidums, and antidees and both universes. A universe provided, in
effect, a screen upon which the same projections were repeated over and over again as a consequence
of the separation of the space and time dimensions of the screen itself, which of course was why every
dum was the same as every other dum, and every dee the same as every other dee. It was as if a
typewriter created paper as it typed on, leaving the planar inhabitants of the flat universe that it had
brought into being to ponder why all the characters encountered serially in their own  flat-time should
have exactly the same form.
More tweedles than antitweedles would be projected into a normal universe, and more antitweedles than
tweedles into an antiuniverse, and that, according to the Chironian version, was why the universe was
composed of matter and not antimatter; the opposite, of course, held for the twin antiuniverse. The way
to obtain antimatter, they therefore reasoned, would be to make a small part of the universe look like an
antiuniverse so that tweedlespace could be  fooled into projecting antitweedles instead of tweedles into
it. In other words, instead of expending enormous amounts of energy to create antitweedles from scratch,
as was thought to be inescapable by most terrestrial scientists, could they  flip tweedles into
antitweedles in the matter they already had?
To the astonishment of even themselves, they found that they could. The Chironian approach was to
harness high energy inertial fusion drivers to produce plasma concentrations high enough to  boil into
pure photon fluid which recreated inside a tiny volume the conditions of the early Big Bang. Within this
region, space and time recoupled and contracted inward with the imploding core to simulate for an instant
the bizarre, inverted conditions of an antiuniverse, and in that instant a large portion of the tweedles
liberated in the process transformed into antitweedles which, under the prevailing high-energy conditions,
combined preferentially into antiquarks and antileptons rather than radiation. Some loss was caused by
annihilations with the matter particles also formed to a lesser degree, as had also occurred doubtlessly in
the Bang itself, but the net result was an impressive gain relative to the energy invested in driving the
process, and the Chironians had already demonstrated the validity of their model successfully in a
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research establishment at the far end of Oriena.
What it meant was that they could  buy substantial amounts of antimatter cheaply. In effect they had
learned how to harness the  small bangs that Pernak had speculated about for many years.
The theory opened up whole new realms, Pernak was beginning to appreciate as he sat back in his
office to give his mind a rest from absorbing the information being presented on the wall screen opposite.
What he was starting to glimpse hadn t just to do with the physics; it was the completely new philosophy
of existence that came with the physical interpretation.
The Chironian mind had no place for the dismal picture that earlier generations of terrestrial thinkers had
painted, that of a universe spawned through a unique accident of Nature, flaring briefly like a spark in the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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