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in confusion. So whatever the mist was didn t
come from them. A few of them even jumped on
street benches to avoid it. Like they were afraid it
was poisonous or something.
The halt in the attack gave Raven time to look
around for his fellow warriors. He was elated to
see them all alive, although they looked just as
bloodied and beaten as him. He then locked gazes
with Fallon. Without even thinking about it,
Raven rushed to his lover s side.
 What s happening? Raven asked.
 Something good, Fallon replied.  Just watch
and see.
Soon, forms began to appear from out of the
mist. It took a few moments, but soon Raven
recognized it as the army of the dead from the
underworld. He let out a sigh of relief. Hades
hadn t let them down. In fact, he had just saved all
their hides.
 Let s get the hell out of here while the Blood
Demons are preoccupied. None of us are in any
condition to be fighting, Night said.
 Agreed, Fallon replied.  But we need to go to
my greenery.
 Why? Night asked, his eyes narrowing a bit.
 Because that s the only place where we can
find somebody who can heal us. Let s face it, we re
Stephani Hecht and Jackie Nacht
all in bad shape, so we re going to need all the
help we can get, and we can t rely on Athena,
Fallon said.
As much as it hurt to admit it, Raven had to
agree. Night must have, too, because he nodded,
then said,  Okay, we ll call the others at the house
and have them meet us there.
Fallon s Raven
Chapter Seven
allon ran with the Birds of Prey toward their
vehicles. He needed to talk to his general
before he left, though.  Take the first two and
leave one for me. I have to talk to my general.
Sebastian, make sure you take them to the
Sebastian nodded while holding his injured
side, pain etched on his face.
Night tossed Fallon a set of keys, and Raven
turned and faced off with him.  You re not staying
here on your own.
 This is mine and my father s army, Raven. I
have to lead them. Fallon turned and watched as
his army was already engaged with hundreds of
Blood Demons.
 Then I m staying with you, Raven shouted
over the sound of metal hitting metal.
Fallon wanted to toss his injured lover in the
backseat of one of the vehicles, but even as a god,
he knew Raven would have Fallon s ass handed to
 Stay close, Fallon shouted and ran the fifty
yards, feeling Raven sticking close to him. The
army gave them a path to General Cato, and
Fallon made short work of a few Blood Demons
Stephani Hecht and Jackie Nacht
with his own bow.
They made it there, and Raven stumbled,
groaning. Fallon righted him, and his hand came
away from Raven s back covered in blood.
The general swung his sword and took off a
Blood Demon s head before he bowed to Fallon.
Not exactly the best place to give orders.
 You have your orders from my father? We
need you to take the perimeter of the city and
work your way in. We need this city contained as
much as possible before we lose all of Georgia.
Fallon ducked, and Raven was the one who took
out the Blood Demon behind him.
General Cato bowed.  Hades also instructed me
to tell you to get you and your mate out of the city
and to the greenery. She s waiting for you. Cato
barely finished his sentence before his head went
flying. A Blood Demon stood behind him with
claws still extended.
Cato s body turned to mist before the general
reappeared with a smirk on his face. With a swift
turn, the general swung his long sword,
decapitating the Blood Demon.
 What the fuck just happened? Raven
 Go, we ll cover you. Cato shouted.
Fallon grabbed Raven s hand and ran all the
way to the vehicle. Several times, one of his army
fell before coming back through the mist to take
the enemy out. The Blood Demons had met their
Fallon s Raven
match when it came to his army.
Fallon hissed as the deep gash in his side stung
with his sweat. Being a god didn t mean you
couldn t get injured, it just meant you couldn t be
killed. They reached the vehicle, and Fallon
thought for sure the SUV would be destroyed by
now, but the death army was protecting it until
they jumped in and took off.
 How did he come back? He lost his head,
Raven yelled as Fallon hit a couple Blood Demons
to make their escape.
 You can t kill that which is already dead.
Hades is in the Underworld just sending the fallen
back up. Fallon maneuvered around a couple
more turns and hit Spaghetti Junction, cranking
the SUV to over a hundred to get the hell out of
 That sounds pretty damn sneaky, Raven
hissed as he leaned forward. Fallon knew his back
was injured, and apparently, even rubbing the
seats was too much to bear.
 Those bitches, the Keres, are fighting dirty,
and if Zeus won t do anything about it, my father
and I will. They ve crossed a line, and someone
needs to step in. Birds of Prey can t be expected to
hold down a world that is on the verge of an
apocalypse. If the Keres stepped in on one side, by
all rights, we can even the playing field.
Fallon fell silent, driving as fast as he could.
Raven slumped to the window, and Fallon could
Stephani Hecht and Jackie Nacht
hear the man panting. Gently grabbing him by the
neck, Fallon drew Raven to him.
 How are you holding up? Fallon kissed the
top of Raven s head while driving with one hand.
 Oh you know me, Raven gritted.
 Yeah, I do, and if you are being a smartass,
you re not doing too well. Fallon murmured.
 It s just a flesh wound or ten, Raven groaned.
Fallon stepped on the gas, and fifteen minutes
later, they were pulling into the front of his
Fallon stepped out of the vehicle, flesh on fire.
He attempted to heal himself but could only do so
much. He might be immortal, but he had his limits
too. The rest he would need aid.
Walking around the car, Fallon opened Raven s
door, and he had to dip to catch Raven from [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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