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we subsisted on sailor s fare of hard biscuits and salt cod. I kindled a fire with the fragrant wood under
Captain Deimos watchful eye and cast a handful of incense on it. I had Sidonie remove her shoes and
stockings and stand barefooted on the deck while I poured a line of salt around her in a circle. Henri
Voisin and his men watched the proceedings as though we were absolutely mad, for which I didn t blame
them; but Deimos and the Cytherans took the matter in stride. They served Ptolemy Solon.
Kratos merely shrugged.  After what I ve seen, I ll believe most anything.
 I don t recall the exact words of the invocation, I said to Sidonie.  But I m praying it doesn t
matter. When Firdha had to renew my bindings, her invocation wasn t exactly the same as Aodhan s.
She said it was due to differences between the traditions of the Dalriada and the Cruithne. But they both
 Do as you think best, Sidonie said, her face pale.
I knelt and bowed my head before I began. I prayed silently to Blessed Elua and his Companions
that they would guide my hand this day. And I prayed to all the gods of Alba, great and small, that they
would lend me their magic. I had honored them and done my duty as a Prince of Alba in joy and in
sorrow, and Sidonie was the Cruarch s eldest daughter. I prayed to Dorelei s merciful shade to intercede
with Alba s gods on our behalf. I prayed they would listen. I held the solid weight of the ollamh s
croonie-stone in my hand and prayed that it retained enough of Aodhan s magic and learning to anchor
my fumbling spell.
I thought of Berlik bidding me do my duty with a humble heart, and I prayed to sea and stone
and sky as the Maghuin Dhonn did. I prayed that there was some debt owed for the honorable death I d
granted him.
I made my heart humble.
I prayed without words for a miracle.
And then I began.
 The charm of Nerthus ward thee, the charm of Lug defend thee, the charm of Brigit
protect thee, the charm of Crom shield thee, I chanted. There was a faint stirring in the air. The
trickling smoke rising from the fire smelled sharp and pungent. I thought it would be meet to include the
gods of Terre d Ange.  Blessed Elua and his Companions hold thee and keep thee from all harm.
I circled her three times.  To ward thee from the back, I said, tying the red threads around
her right wrist.  To guard thee from the front. I tied another length around her left wrist, then stooped
and did the same to her ankles.  From the crown of thy head to the sole of thy foot, be thou
I stood and hung the croonie-stone around her neck, its weight settling into place.  From all
that seeks to bind thee, be thou protected!
I clapped my hands as Aodhan had done.
Unlike me, Sidonie didn t jump.  Is that all? Is it done?
 All I can remember, I admitted.  I think so. Do you feel anything?
 No. She shook her head.  But then I suppose I wouldn t, would I? Not until I set foot ashore.
I rubbed my sweating palms on my thighs, then began to scoop up the circle of salt, giving it back
to the sea from whence it had come.  I reckon we ll find out.
Henri Voisin returned to his ship and preceded us. We would be putting ashore at the harbor of
Pellasus. Voisin would secure the harbor and procure an escort from among his men, then signal us to
make landfall.
I spoke to Captain Deimos and thanked him for his service, which had gone so far beyond aught
he could have imagined when he gave his oath to Ptolemy Solon.  I ll ask no more of you, my lord, I
said to him.  Return to Cythera and tell my mother you saw me safely delivered to Terre d Ange. I
hesitated.  And . . . thank her for me.
Deimos smiled wryly.  Mothers, eh?
In the matter of Melisande, it was such an understatement it made me smile in return.  Tell her I ll
send word when I can, Elua willing, I said, surprising myself by meaning it.  As well as a generous
reward for you and your men. Terre d Ange owes you a great debt.
He put out his hand.  Luck, your highness. I gather you ll yet have need of it.
I clasped it.  Safe travels to you.
I spoke to Kratos, too, giving him one last opportunity to return to Cythera with Deimos and his
men to take service with my mother rather than continue on into unknown danger with Sidonie and me.
 You d be safe, I said.  I ve no doubt my mother would be delighted by you. And they speak
Hellene. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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