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apologize, though I don't know what could possibly make it up to you."
Zref whispered to Khelin, "What did Ley say to her?"
"That's private," answered Khelin. Plainly, he wasn't any happier with Jocelyn
than Ley was.
Alone, Zref went up to Jocelyn. She stared down at the twisted tissue,
fighting more tears. "You remember betraying Khelin?" She nodded, and Zref
asked, "Do you remember now starting the rumor that the pirates were really
after me?"
She looked up at him astonished. "I didn't !"
"Maybe not, but it seems logical. Jocelyn, I knew we all knew you were open to
our enemy, and dangerous. But our aklal can't convene without you." He told
her what he'd told Khelin. "Don't be embarrassed you succumbed to her. She
knows our weaknesses because she's known us all a long time."
"She might have killed or dispersed Khelin!"
She was about to cry again. Zref put his arm about her steering her down the
stairs. "Yes. And you once told me you understood bhirhirn. Now's your test.
Ley's waiting."
At the bottom, she left Zref, and calmly approached Khelin and Ley. She locked
gazes with Ley, who was standing now, one hand on Khelin's shoulder. Then
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unable to bear his silent recrimination, she crumpled at his feet, sobbing, "I
can't promise not to do it again! I wish I were dead!"
For a moment, Zref thought Ley would turn his back and coldly walk away.
Lifetimes ago, he probably had. This time his heart melted, and he raised her
up, tears in his eyes, and kissed her passionately.
While still holding Ley's hand, she threw herself at Khelin, apologizing
hysterically, trying to kiss him, too, and compromising by planting one near
his invisible ear. The kren flinched, then laughed and embraced her in return.
"With two bhirhirn, how could I ever take the white?"
Arshel joined in hugging Jocelyn, saying, "Three."
"Four," corrected Zref, joining the group hug. That sense of exile, felt so
keenly in Jylyd's chamber, was gone.
Neini wormed her way in to Jocelyn, kissing her.
Arai leaned over and stroked Jocelyn's head. Shui and Iraem joined the
outside, laughing self-consciously. The close-packed knot of people enjoyed
the outpouring of emotion. At last Ley said, "Zref, you've got to order us in
some food! I'm starved!"
Khelin would soon be in the grip of intractable post-strike hunger cramps if
he didn't get fed soon, and Arshel's sack was quite full. "Sensible idea," he
"With great deference, Master Interface, Venerable Sir."
It was the middle of the ship's night. Zref and Arshel were in the suite
sitting room. Unable to sleep, they'd pulled lounges up to the big comlink
screen and were studying the inscription stating the Object had been hidden.
One of the kren stewards, padding on silent feet, had come in. Zref said,
"Yes, Swirn?"
"The suite stewards, all of us, wanted you to know whatever it is you're
doing, we're on your side." He scanned the ceiling as if he could spot the
bugging devices. "We don't consider that disloyal to our employer, for we were
hired to be loyal to the inhabitants of this suite. But, well we would be
anyway. Venerable."
Zref was taken aback, so Arshel answered smoothly, "We are most grateful,
Swirn. But we wouldn't ask anything against your employer. Just continue to
service this suite in the same excellent manner you have been, and think
kindly of us even
when others don't." s
"Those who would not think kindly of you are only fools to be ignored,"
replied Swirn in his most formal accent.
Zref smiled, lips carefully covering his teeth. "I thank you, Swirn. I would
ask an unusual service."
"Anything, Venerable."
Zref flinched inwardly at the accolade. "Could you perhaps
begin the hot drink service early this morning? And refill the fruit bowl?"
The kren brightened as if Zref had conferred honors upon him. "Certainly. We
took on ripe zwingus at Pallacin sweet and juicy. Would that please the
"Perfect!" said Arshel delightedly.
They returned to staring at the screen and in short order, delightful aromas
drifted their way from the bar. Swim moved so quietly, they didn't notice as
he brought them drinks and a bowl of the succulent purple fruits, wrapped in
artfully folded absorbent paper to catch the drippings.
Before long, Khelin joined them, barefoot, wrapping a robe bearing the ship's
monogram around himself. "Early for breakfast. But it smells great."
They related Swim's message, and Khelin joined them, nibbling zwingus and
pondering the inscription.
"Zref, how many people are reading Atrocities!"
Zref opened and answered. "About 57 percent of what a Lantern would pull at
this stage. Not bad." [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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