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Toby snorted.  I m certain he can take care of himself. He s got an advantage over us humans
after all, he teased good-naturedly, making sure to keep his voice down.
Sophie almost dropped her coffee, and the color drained from her face.  He told you? He only
met you yesterday.
Toby noticed and did his best to reassure her.  He saw a mark which is similar to one he has,
but Lucas did say he can t be sure until my birthday. Toby noticed the color returned to Sophie s
face and a wide smile spread across it.
 When is your birthday young man?
 Tomorrow, he told her taking a sip of his hot drink.
 Tomorrow? My goodness, that s not a lot of time for me to organize a party.
Toby blushed heavily.  You don t need to do that for me.
 Don t worry. I ll introduce you to the pack slowly, for now, just the family. We ll have a little
get together in Lucas apartment.
 I met his brothers a little while ago. They seem nice. I guess if it s just you guys, I can cope
with that. I ll make a cake.
 That would be lovely, Sweetheart, Sophie said, a calculating look in her eye making Toby
think she was making a mental note to call her nephews as soon as he had gone.
 I better go. Lucas should be down any moment and I don t want to keep the Captain waiting
on my first day as part of the department.
 You ve transferred to Lucas department? Sophie asked.
 As of a few hours ago, Lucas Captain approved it. Of course, it s not official until my
supervisor agrees to it. Since they re all about improving relations with the local law enforcement,
I don t foresee an issue. But these things take time.
 My goodness, you ll be telling me next you re moving in together.
Toby blushed and stood up.  I m sure I ll see you soon, Sophie. Bye. He left Sophie in a
state of shock. Through the window, he saw her disappearing as she ran to her office, probably to
make some phone calls to the rest of the family.
Chapter Nine
Lucas arrived at the car park only moments after Toby did. This time he d left the bike in the
garage and drove a sleek green car that Toby couldn t have named if he tried.
 I thought the car would be better for a stake out, Lucas explained.
 Good choice, Toby smiled.  We ll be able to keep warm when we re not patrolling.
Captain Mendes explained the strategy and handed out everyone s assignments. They had half
an hour to get what they needed, and be ready to leave.
They were to work in pairs. Three pairs to each location, taking a two hour shift each, so that
they wouldn t be noticed for staying to long. Lucas and Toby had first shift.
Lucas wasn t happy; he and Toby had been assigned the most likely place for the killer to
strike next. He knew it made sense. It was his case after all, and he should be the one to arrest
this scum bag. But internally, he fought a war. One part of him wanted to be the one to put a stop
to this killing spree, and the other wanted to keep Toby safe at all costs. He saw Toby head out of
the briefing room to get his coat and wallet.
Making a snap decision Lucas followed Toby into their office and closed the door.
 Perhaps you should stay here and co-ordinate the operation with the Captain, or go to a
different area, Lucas suggested hopefully.
Toby crossed his arms and glared at Lucas as if daring him to repeat himself.  How about you
stay here and I ll go without you? he suggested.
 You re not going out there without me, Lucas said angrily, crossing the room and getting into
Toby s personal space.
He smirked.  So what makes you think I ll let you out there without me?
 I, well, I... Damn it, Toby, Lucas virtually shouted in exasperation.  Why won t you back
down? What makes you so different?
 Shut up and get out of my way. We have a case to solve. I won t ever back down when I m
not the one in the wrong and if you think I m going to, then you re going to be sorely
That was the moment the exact second, that Lucas was sure, beyond reason that Toby
was intended to be his mate. He couldn t hold back the growl of arousal that escaped his lips
moments before he brought them crashing down on Toby s.
Toby pulled back gasping.  We are not having sex in our office, he said firmly.
 Aww, but... Lucas teased pushing Toby into his chair.
 Anyone could walk in. Toby panted.
Lucas could smell the arousal coursing through his partner. It was intoxicating.
 I m not going to fuck you. But I need you too bad not to have you, Lucas walked over and
locked the door before returning and dropping to his knees between Toby s legs.
 What exactly did you have in mind?
 I want to see if you taste as good as you look, Lucas said, smirking at Toby s groan.  You
best keep quiet. You don t want anyone coming to see what all the noise is about, do you?
Lucas undid Toby s trousers and encouraged him to lift up enough for him to pull them down to
his knees.
 Lucas we don t have time for this? We can wait till we get home, Toby said in an
unconvincing voice. He wanted this as much as Lucas did. The nose didn t lie.
 We can finish this at home. When we get home, I want you under me, writhing and calling out
my name.
Toby couldn t take any more teasing. He grasped a handful of Lucas s hair and pushed him
down. Lucas took the hint and licked the tip of Toby s cock and took it into his mouth. There was
no time for finesse or drawn out technique. This wasn t about teasing your partner until they could
do nothing but become a puddle of compliant goo. This was about bringing Toby to the point of
orgasm as fast as possible.
Lucas looked up and their eyes met. He hollowed out his cheeks and swallowed around the
sensitive head of Toby s cock.  Fuck, Lucas.
Lucas pulled off slightly.  Later, it s in my things-to-do list when we get home. He grinned and
went back to work, relaxing his throat and taking all of Toby s cock in. He was rewarded a few
minutes later by the feeling of Toby s cum hitting the back of his gullet. It was a taste that Lucas [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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