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right she looked standing there, nearly naked.
In his arms.
Panic slithered beneath his skin. What was he doing,
feeling so much? He'd come to bash down his demons
for one night, to lose himself in her body. Not to fall in-
Shit. No. He had to get back on track. Had to keep his
focus on her body. On his throbbing cock.
Not on either of their hearts.
He began to move his hand again, one slow
centimeter at a time, further down her labia. She was
soaking wet and so obviously sensitive to his touch
that although she wasn't speaking any distinct words,
he could hear her giving soft voice to her pleasure
above him, one continuous low moan of ecstasy.
Suddenly, an image flashed into his head. It was so
clear, so powerful, and so certain to keep him focused
on sex and only sex, that even as the thought came that
it wasn't fair for him to use her like this, that she hadn't
ever asked him to come into her home and use her as
his sexual plaything, he was yanking her panties down
to her knees, and shoving her thighs open as wide as
they would go with her legs still bound by the thin yellow
A heartbeat later, he had his mouth on her clit and two
fingers inside her slick canal.
His cock throbbed hard once, then twice, and he
thought he just might come right then and there. He'd
never loved the taste of a woman more. She tasted like
sugar and honey. Like heaven, even as he knew the
hard thrust of his fingers inside her was going to send
him straight to hell.
Her body relaxed and opened up to him even more as
he laved her clit with his tongue in rough strokes before
sucking it firmly with his tongue, her hands moving into
his hair as she pressed her hips harder against his
mouth. And then he could feel her vaginal muscles
begin to tighten and clench around his fingers, could
measure the heavy weight of her clitoris against his
tongue, and knew she was about to come.
More than anything, he wanted to take her over the
edge. He wanted to be there with her when she cried
out. Wanted to hear his name on her lips and know that
he had made her feel better than anyone else ever
Shit. What the hell was he doing? He'd come here for
simple pleasure, to take what Janica clearly gave so
freely to everyone else, and had ended up on his
knees in front of her.
With nothing more than a kiss, she'd made him a slave
to her pleasure instead of his own.
It nearly killed him to force himself to abruptly move
away from her and stand up.
Her eyes flew open and her legs trembled hard enough
for her to stumble back onto the couch.
 Luke, what 
 You're not ready yet. But I am.
She looked shocked by the words coming out of his
mouth. Even as he undid his belt buckle, he felt the tug
of something in his gut, a twinge that told him he was
being a complete asshole, and that she didn't deserve
He'd always been a considerate lover, was always
gentle, careful to make sure he took care of his
partner's pleasure first. But tonight he wanted to know
 needed to know what it was like to have a hot,
talented mouth on his cock make him come first.
Before his lover.
A lover who was so ripe with arousal that she would do
anything, absolutely anything he asked.
Even if he had no damn right to ask it.
Even if he was being driven by all the all wrong
Even if they both hated him in the morning.
Certain that Janica had the talented mouth he'd been
craving, and that she was so close to climax she could
taste it, he pointed to the wooden slats in front of his
boots and pulled down his zipper.
 Get on your knees.
Chapter Six
Lying half on, half off her couch, her underwear tangled
around her knees, her pussy throbbing with the
desperate need to come, Janica couldn't believe what
she was hearing. And from Luke Carson!
Had he really just said, Get on your knees?
She looked up at his face, wanting to make sure that it
really was Luke standing before her, rather than some
dominant stranger that had taken his place when she
was on the verge of losing it beneath his mouth and
No one had ever talked to her like that before. No one
had dared order her around, either in or out of bed. Not
only did she run her own design firm, she took control [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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