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Jess Dee
once shared has died. While the knowledge was liberating, it still made Sienna terribly, terribly sad. She d
lost Ben all over again. But&  The magic in the room last night was there because of you. Not him.
 Si&  He stepped closer.
 You created the magic, Josh. Not him. It sparked the second I saw you by the pool and exploded into
something undeniable when we made love yesterday afternoon. Ben got caught up in our magic. Yours and
mine. That s why the sex was so good. It wasn t about him, it was about us.
Josh took one final step, and he stood in front of her, close enough to raise his hand to her cheek and
wipe away her tears.
She took a shaky breath, luxuriating in his touch, in the tingles that flowed through her as a result.  I
was crazy about you as a school kid, Josh Lie-With-Me. But yesterday I fell in love with the man you ve
 You did?
 I did.
He closed his eyes, almost as if in prayer.  And you d still want that? he asked, his voice sounding as
shaky as she felt.  You d still want five minutes to lie with me? He opened his eyes, watched her intently.
Waited for her answer
She shook her head vehemently.  No!
Josh dropped his hand so fast she never saw it move.
She grabbed it, brought it back to her face, held it there.  Five minutes would never be enough for
everything I want with you. She smiled, then grinned through her tears and quoted him, word for word.
 There are so many ways I wanna make love to you, you ll be ninety before we ve covered half of them.
Josh groaned, the sound emanating from somewhere deep inside him.  I wanna make love to you too,
princess. But I m a selfish man. I won t share you. Not ever again. I can t tolerate the thought of anyone
else touching you. Can you live with that?
 If you love me, I can live with anything.
 I do love you. He pulled her into his arms, crushed her against him.  Christ, I ve loved you since
forever, don t you know that by now?
Sienna held him just as tight, wouldn t let go.  I m a slow learner, apparently. But if you could give
me a gentle reminder every now and again 
His mouth cut off the rest of her words. His lips met hers in a kiss so heated, every chill that had
wrapped around her skin melted in his embrace.
The kisses they d shared before faded to insignificance. As his tongue swept into her mouth, claiming
her, making her his, Sienna knew this was the kiss to end all kisses. This was the real the deal. The kiss that
sealed her fate.
She was Josh s. Without a shadow of a doubt.
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Island Idyll
Her heart belonged to him completely. Him, and no one else. And his mouth told her his heart
belonged to her and no one else. Which was a damn good thing, because Sienna was just as selfish as
Josh. She too refused to share.
She smiled as she kissed him, couldn t hold back her joy. She didn t try. Ben was gone, officially a
sad memory from her past. Josh was here, with her. He loved her, like she loved him. Happiness exploded
inside her, like the sun coming up.
 Will you do me a favor?
 Anything, princess.
 Lie with me?
 For the next ninety years at least, he promised as he took her hand, and together they sprinted across
the beach, back to her hotel room.
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About the Author
To learn more about Jess Dee please visit her website at www.jessdee.com. Or you can drop by her
blog: http://jessdee.wordpress.com.
Jess loves to hear from her readers. You can contact her any time at jess@jessdee.com.
Look for these titles by Jess Dee
Now Available:
The Tanner Siblings
Photo Opportunity
Ask Adam
Circle of Friends
Only Tyler
Steve s Story
A Question of&
A Question of Trust
A Question of Love
Winter Fire
Three of a Kind
Going All In
Raising the Stakes
Full House
Bandicoot Cove Anthology
Exotic Indulgence
Island Idyll
Print Anthologies
Risking it All
Three s Company
Coming Soon:
See You in My Dreams
Hidden Fire
Print Anthologies
Red Hot Winter
Three of a Kind
Tropical Desires
Fate is a wind that can change at the drop of a heart&
Paradise Found
© 2011 Vivian Arend
Bandicoot Cove, Book 2
Paige has enjoyed every no-strings-attached minute with her two Australian lovers, Trent and Mason.
Over the past eleven months, they ve surfed, hiked& and explored their seemingly limitless sexual
Her lovers invitation to the opening of a new resort comes at the ideal time, because in a few days
she s returning to Canada. It ll be a fitting swan song for their easygoing relationship. A chance to fulfill a
few fantasies and then escape before her men realize she s broken the rules by falling in love with them
both. Better to take flight than be forced to choose.
Unaware of Paige s self-imposed deadline, Trent and Mason scheme to get Paige on their yacht for a
once-in-a-lifetime voyage with one goal in mind: break the news that they re ready for something more
than casual and hope she doesn t run like hell.
It s a delicate operation that ll require close attention to which way her emotional winds are blowing.
One wrong word, and their paradise-perfect arrangement could be lost in an instant.
Warning: This book starts with the heat turned way up high. Two men entirely focused on one
woman s pleasure. One woman stepping outside the box to please her men. An exotic resort suite featuring
an erotic piece of furniture that makes ménage a trois even hotter than usual. Really. [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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