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Matthew waited, hoping that Danny trusted him.
After taking a deep breath, Danny finally looked up.
Crooking his finger, Matthew called him over to the bed. When he
got close, Matthew pulled Danny down on top of him, kissing him
while grabbing his ass. Firm buns filled his hands, giving him all the
leverage he needed to rock Danny s body atop his.
Just as it had every time, their kissing went wild. Tongues
clashing, they were breathing hard in a matter of moments from the
effort of holding back. Danny tore at Matthew s shirt, popping off a
button for every one he got unfastened. Matthew didn t care. It was
sexier than hell to have Danny clawing his way into his clothing.
When he struggled with his button-fly jeans, as he had every time,
Matthew took pity on him.
 There s a trick to it. Now watch.
Danny rolled to the side then swung his legs off the mattress. He
rose to his feet. Attention riveted, he stood beside the bed.
It suddenly dawned on Matthew that Danny knew perfectly well
how to get his fly down. He just enjoyed watching Matthew do it.
Secretly pleased, he let Danny anticipate just a little by fumbling with
the topmost button. With a good, hard pull, Matthew popped every
button with one yank. His cock popped out like a wicked jack-in-the-
48 Anitra Lynn McLeod
Visibly, Danny shivered.  Do you have any idea how fucking hot
that is?
Darting his gaze down to the ever-enlarging wet spot on the front
of Danny s briefs, Matthew said,  Yeah, I ve got some idea.
Together, they removed the rest of his clothes. When Danny
licked his lips, Matthew knew exactly what he wanted to do, but he
sat up.  Nope, not now.
 You can t seriously think I need more oh.
Sitting on the edge of the bed with Danny standing put his mouth
at the same level as Danny s cock. Matthew got him to quit talking by
leaning forward and kissing the tip of his prick through the white
Danny s breath caught, and then he exhaled slowly as Matthew
nibbled around the crown and breathed out in moist, hot bursts.
Murmuring incoherently, Danny clung to his shoulders.
Matthew didn t ask, but he was pretty sure no one had ever gone
down on Danny. He was honored to be the first, and he wanted to
make sure he gave him the best damn blow job he d ever get.
Working him through the fabric was a tease that had Danny
uttering sounds of blissful surrender. When Matthew growled and
tugged the briefs down with his teeth, Danny dug his fingertips into
Matthew s shoulder. Rather than hurt, the pain only egged Matthew
on. He wanted Danny wild with need by the time he actually put lips
to flesh.
Danny tried to pull his underwear down the rest of the way, but
Matthew grasped his wrists and pulled his arms behind his back. This
caused a new and much more plaintive whimper that tightened
Matthew s balls a notch.
He wasn t going to last.
Teasing his free hand over the exposed skin of Danny s buttocks
encouraged him to tilt his hips forward, which lifted his tight little
Powerful Alpha 49
 Hold very still, Danny.
Darting a quick glance up, Matthew discovered Danny was
watching him, his eyes enormous. He had pressed his lips together so
tightly they had almost disappeared.
 Make noise, Danny. I want to hear you.
 Aw, fuck. Danny uttered a slew of dirty words between
breathless pants.
Each time he swore, Matthew growled softly and slipped his
finger a bit farther along the cleft of his bottom. Just as Danny started
to arch his back, Matthew continued to tug his underwear down in the
front with his teeth, all this while holding his hands behind his back.
Unsure which way to move, Danny did exactly as Matthew
wanted. He held very still, giving complete control over to Matthew.
He wasn t trying to dominate him so much as he was determined to
make Danny accept pleasure. His only relationship had been a one-
sided farce. All Danny s fantasies, which he had whispered into
Matthew s ear in the dark, involved Danny giving pleasure without a
thought to himself. Not once was Danny the recipient of gratification.
Matthew would give him that first. And then, when he was certain
that Danny was well and truly cognizant of the fact he deserved
satisfaction just as much as anyone else, only then would Matthew
claim him.
Fidgeting ever so slightly, as if he battled with himself to hold
still, Danny s whimpering cries grew in volume until he was almost
sobbing in erotic frustration. Just when Danny was surely convinced
actual contact would never occur, Matthew yanked his briefs down [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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