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was overwhelmed as his senses tripled in awareness,
knowing Joseph felt the same. Joseph was a hot writhing
mess beneath him, his eyes glazed over in pleasure as he
muttered unintelligibly. The nails dug into Mykael's ass
He kissed Joseph fiercely, pushing his thick shaft
deeper into Joseph, his balls taut as his hips stuttered his
Mate of the Tsatrya Ann T. Ryan
release into his mate. His mate. Joseph moaned his name
aloud as he came, pushing his hips up against Mykael's, his
muscles contracting around Mykael's pulsing length. He
groaned out Joseph's name when his strength gave out.
That was the last thing Mykael remembered as he
welcomed the blinding pleasure, and then there was
* * * *
Joseph woke up to Mykael laying heavily on top of
him, still passed out, his penis resting limply in his
stretched hole. How long had he been out? It was still dark
out. He stroked his lover's back lovingly as his erratic
heartbeat gradually became more consistent, remembering
the split second when Mykael had drawn blood, the
blinding flash of pain intermingled with pleasure that
quickly followed, and sensations so overwhelming he
blanked out from it.
Now awake, Joseph still felt the same as before
except& Except it seemed as if his soul was completely at
peace, as if the knot joining him and Joseph previously had
tightened stronger than before, linking them in every way
Mykael shifted above him, falling a little to the side,
Mate of the Tsatrya Ann T. Ryan
his penis slipping out of Joseph's tender hole as Joseph bit
back a groan. Suddenly feeling empty, Joseph wanted
Mykael to be deep within him again. Mykael stirred next to
him, nuzzling his nape, licking the sheen of sweat.
"You okay?" Mykael whispered, his voice rough in
Joseph's ear.
"Y-yeah," Joseph replied, coughing a little as his
voice broke. "Yeah," he repeated again.
"Good," Mykael replied before leaning over to look
at Joseph's chest. He rubbed against the spot where he had
Joseph winced a little and looked down at the mark
Mykael had left behind. There was now a dark, purplish-
black mark on his flesh. Mykael's teeth bites were clearly
imprinted. The mark would stay with Joseph till he passed
on. It was a mark of being mated. It was a mark of being
Mykael's mate. The other Tsatryas would no doubt scent
him as such when they next met.
"I am yours," Joseph said quietly.
"You are mine," Mykael replied simply before
adding, "And I am yours."
They smiled at each other before kissing,
exchanging breaths as their tongues delved deep, tangling
with each other. Joseph caught on to Mykael's tongue,
sucking at his tip before releasing it, earning a deep groan
Mate of the Tsatrya Ann T. Ryan
from his lover, no, his mate.
* * * *
"So when is the ceremony?" Gilliam asked the two
of them when he joined them for breakfast the next day.
"Ceremony?" Joseph looked at Mykael
"Uhmmm, yeah about that& " Mykael glared at
Gilliam. "I haven't told him yet, you idiot. And what are
you doing here so early in the morning anyway?"
Gilliam smirked at him. "Why, am I disturbing your
lovey dovey time?" he asked, an innocent look pasted on
his face.
"What ceremony?" Joseph asked Mykael again.
"I'll tell you later, baby," Mykael offered in a
placating tone.
"Don't baby me." Joseph glared at him. "Tell me."
Mykael saw Gilliam was trying not to laugh as he
ate his bagel. "I suggest you leave now as I try to talk to my
mate about the ceremony which I was going to tell him
about before you ruined the surprise," Mykael said
pointedly to Gilliam, glowering at his friend.
"Understood, Leader," Gilliam said sombrely, but
Mykael detected the amusement lacing his tone.
Mate of the Tsatrya Ann T. Ryan
Mykael turned to look at Joseph when Gilliam,
carrying his half-eaten bagel with him, left the room. "So
there is this ceremony required where& "
* * * *
"And he didn't tell me about the ceremony till
Gilliam brought it up at breakfast! We are mates for
goodness sake! He should be able to tell me right?" Joseph
half shouted into the phone as he paced in the room.
"Pardon me interrupting your rant there& "
"I am not ranting!" Joseph gritted out.
"Uh huh, of course not. But you are having a
breakdown of some sort. Take time to breathe in, Archie,"
Jess said drily. "And I don't see what the big deal is
anyway& "
"You don't see what the big deal is! You don't&
Well of course you don't! You're not the one who has to
face a crowd of millions as the esteemed Leader introduces
me to Lithonur and possibly the rest of the New World. Oh,
dear God& " Joseph started breathing in harsh gasps and
became slightly dizzy as he grabbed onto the nearest chair
and sat down.
"Archie," Jess said. "Calm down. You will do fine.
Trust me."
Mate of the Tsatrya Ann T. Ryan
"I will do f-fine?" Joseph wheezed.
"Yes, you will. And wanna know why?"
"Because you are doing it for your mate, the one
you will love for the rest of your life That is why."
"I love him?"
"Yes, you do. Just remember that."
"Calmer now?"
"Don't worry so much. You have a secret weapon."
"I have a secret weapon?"
"Yes. Nothing will keep me from coming over to
help you out before your pretty face is televised all around
the world."
"Oh, dear God," Joseph said softly, not knowing
whether he should be worried or relieved at that particular
piece of information.
* * * *
The ceremony, which took more than a week of
preparation, would be televised live in less than an hour.
Joseph approached the ceremonial circle where Mykael
already stood tall and straight in his tailored ensemble of
Mate of the Tsatrya Ann T. Ryan
black velvet. Unlike his mate to-be, Joseph was dressed in a
creamy white ceremonial outfit, similar perhaps only in
design. It was only the presence of Mykael that kept him
somewhat calm. Being the focus of many never did appeal
to him. A part of him wanted to run. From the corner of his
eye, Joseph caught sight of Jess who was giving him the
thumbs-up sign. The invited guests who were still [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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