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one to William himself, who enjoyed the idea of traveling post with four horses and such a good humored
agreeable friend; and in likening it to going up with dispatches, was saying at once everything in favor of
its happiness and dignity which his imagination could suggest; and Fanny, from a different motive, was
exceedingly pleased: for the original plan was that William should go up by the mail from Northampton
the following night, which would not have allowed him an hour's rest before he must have got into a
Portsmouth coach; and though this offer of Mr. Crawford's would rob her of many hours of his company,
she was too happy in having William spared from the fatigue of such a journey, to think of anything else.
Sir Thomas approved of it for another reason. His nephew's introduction to Admiral Crawford might be
of service. The Admiral he believed had interest. Upon the whole, it was a very joyous note. Fanny's
spirits lived on it half the morning, deriving some accession of pleasure from its writer being himself to go
As for the ball so near at hand, she had too many agitations and fears to have half the enjoyment in
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anticipation which she ought to have had, or must have been supposed to have, by the many young ladies
looking forward to the same event in situations more at ease, but under circumstances of less novelty, less
interest, less peculiar gratification than would be attributed to her. Miss Price, known only by name to
half the people invited, was now to make her first appearance, and must be regarded as the Queen of the
evening. Who could be happier than Miss Price? But Miss Price had not been brought up to the trade of
coming out ; and had she known in what light this ball was, in general, considered respecting her, it
would very much have lessened her comfort by increasing the fears she already had, of doing wrong and
being looked at. To dance without much observation or any extraordinary fatigue, to have strength and
partners for about half the evening, to dance a little with Edmund, and not a great deal with Mr.
Crawford, to see William enjoy himself, and be able to keep away from her aunt Norris, was the height
of her ambition, and seemed to comprehend her greatest possibility of happiness. As these were the best
of her hopes, they could not always prevail; and in the course of a long morning, spent principally with
her two aunts, she was often under the influence of much less sanguine views. William, determined to
make this last day a day of thorough enjoyment, was out snipe shooting; Edmund, she had too much
reason to suppose, was at the Parsonage; and left alone to bear the worrying of Mrs. Norris, who was
cross because the house-keeper would have her own way with the supper, and whom she could not
avoid though the house-keeper might, Fanny was worn down at last to think everything an evil belonging
to the ball, and when sent off with a parting worry to dress, moved as languidly towards her own room,
and felt as incapable of happiness as if she had been allowed no share in it.
As she walked slowly upstairs she thought of yesterday; it had been about the same hour that she had
returned from the Parsonage, and found Edmund in the east room. "Suppose I were to find him there
again today!" said she to herself in a fond indulgence of fancy.
"Fanny," said a voice at that moment near her. Starting and looking up she saw across the lobby she had
just reached Edmund himself, standing at the head of a different staircase. He came towards her. "You
look tired and fagged, Fanny. You have been walking too far."
"No, I have not been out at all."
"Then you have had fatigues within doors, which are worse. You had better have gone out."
Fanny, not liking to complain, found it easiest to make no answer; and though he looked at her with his
usual kindness, she believed he had soon ceased to think of her countenance. He did not appear in
spirits; something unconnected with her was probably amiss. They proceeded upstairs together, their
rooms being on the same floor above.
"I come from Dr. Grant's," said Edmund presently. "You may guess my errand there, Fanny." And he
looked so conscious, that Fanny could think but of one errand, which turned her too sick for speech. "I
wished to engage Miss Crawford for the two first dances," was the explanation that followed, and
brought Fanny to life again, enabling her, as she found she was expected to speak, to utter something like
an inquiry as to the result.
"Yes," he answered, "she is engaged to me; but (with a smile that did not sit easy) she says it is to be the
last time that she ever will dance with me. She is not serious. I think, I hope, I am sure she is not serious [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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