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for you create the instruments of creativity even
while at the same time you often sport theories that Session 799, Page 214 "rely upon your immediate
deny to man all but the most mechanical of sense data, not secondary experience as described.
reactions. In other terms, the world comes to allow That primary sense data, while pinpointed the
itself, to discover itself, for the planner left room for present, providing you with the necessary stance in
divine surprise, and the plan was nowhere time, still can open up to you the timelessness from
foreordained; nor is there anywhere within it which all time emerges, can bring you intuitive
anything that corresponds to your survival-of-the- intimations, hinting at the true nature of the ever-
fittest theories. " present coming-to-be of the universe.
Session 797, Page 202 "Yet you may open the door Session 799, Page 215 "Often then you ignore your
on any given day to a probable world from your senses reality in the world -the luxurious vitality
immediate standpoint, and never know the and comfort of the daily moment by exaggerating
difference. This happens all the time, and I mean all the importance of secondary experience as defined
the time. " for this discussion.
Session 797, Page 203 "At the same time, do not Session 799, Page 215 "You do not have to be
dwell too much upon that world situation, for a ignorant of wars in other corners of the world, or
concentration upon your own nature and upon the close your eyes. But if you allow those experiences
physical nature of your World -the seasons, and so to overcloud your present, valid intersection with
forth allows you to refresh your own energy, and reality, then you speak and act from a position not
frees you to take advantage of that clear vision that your own, and deny the world whatever benefits
is so necessary. " your own present version of reality might allow you
to give.
Session 797, Page 204 "No matter what information
or data you receive as the pursuit of animal Session 799, Page 217 "All That Is vibrates with
experimentation or dissection for scientific purposes, desire. The denial of desire will bring you only
and no matter how valuable the results appear to be, listlessness. Those who deny desire are the most
the consequences of such methods are so distorted smitten by it.
that you comprehend less of life than you did before.
" Session 800, Page 219 "A tree does not have to ask
for nourishment from the ground or the sun, and so
everything that you need is available to you in your Session 803, Page 29 "The physical world that you
practical experience. recognize is made up of invisible patterns. These
patterns are plastic, in that while they exist, their
Session 800, Page 220 "Dying is a spiritual and final form is a matter of probabilities directed by
psychological necessity, for after a while the consciousness. Your senses perceive these patterns
exuberant, ever-renewed energies of the spirit can in their own ways.
no longer be translated into flesh...The self
outgrows the flesh. Session 803, Page 29 "If there were no death, you
would have to invent it --for the context of that
Session 801, Page 12 "It is not understood that selfhood would be as limited as the experience of a
before life an individual decides to live. A self is great sculptor given but one hunk of stone.
not simply the accidental personification of the
body s biological mechanism. Each person born Session 803, Page 30 "The solid matter of your
desires to be born. world is the result of the play of your senses upon
an inner dimension of activity that exists as
Session 801, Page 13 "I am not speaking here of the legitimately, and yet as tantalizingly hidden, as an
desire for suicide, which involves a definite killing idea or a dream location.
of the body by self-deliberate means often of a
violent nature. Ideally this desire for death, however, Session 803, Page 31 "Logic deals with exterior
would simply involve the slowing of the body s conditions, with cause-and-effect relationships.
processes, the gradual disentanglement of psyche Intuitions deal with immediate experience of the
from flesh; or in other instances, according to most intimate nature, with subjective motions and
individual characteristics, a sudden, natural activities that in your terms move far quicker than
stopping of the body s processes. Left alone, the the speed of light, and with simultaneous events that
self and the body are so entwined that the separation your cause-and-effect level is far too slow to
would be smooth. The body would automatically perceive.
follow the wishes of the inner self.
Session 803, Page 32 "...learning is impossible
In the case of suicide, for example, the self is to without imagination at any level.
some extent acting out of context with the body,
which still has its own will to live. I will have more Session 804, Page 39 "The cells that compose the
to say about suicide, but I do not mean here to body do not try to make sense of the cultural world.
imply guilt on the part of a person who takes his or They rely upon your interpretation, therefore, for
her own life. In many cases, a more natural death the existence of threats of a nonbiological nature.
would have ensued in any event as the result of So they depend upon your assessment.
Session 804, Page 39 "Left alone, the body can
Session 801, Page 13 "A person s private defend itself against any disease, but it cannot
experience happens in the context of his defend itself appropriately against an exaggerated
psychological and biological status and basically general fear of disease on the individual s part.
cannot be separated from his religious and
philosophical beliefs and sentiments, and his
cultural environment and political framework" Session 804, Page 41 "The species is in a state of
transition, one of many. This one began, generally
Session 801, Page 18? ? "Despite all realistic speaking, when the species tried to step apart from
pragmatic tales to the contrary, the natural state of nature in order to develop the unique kind of
life itself is one of joy, acquiescence with itself -a consciousness that is presently your own. That
state in which action is effective, and the power to consciousness is not a finished product, however,
act is a natural right. " but one meant to change, [to] evolve and develop.
Certain artificial divisions were made along the way
Session 802, Page 23 "The mass world rises up that must now be dispensed with. You must return,
before your eyes, but your eyes are part of that mass wiser creatures, to the nature that spawned you -not
world. only as loving caretakers but as partners with the
other species of the earth.
advantage. When a man feels powerless, however,
You must discover once again the spirituality of and in a state of generalized fear, he can even turn
your biological heritage. the most natural earthly ingredients against himself.
Session 805, Page 45 "The body cannot react to
generalized threats. It is, therefore, put under Session 805, Page 49 "Your television dramas, the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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