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star and affix a memory to it. I have forgotten so much, my age is just one of the many things lost to
time. To answer your question, I take orders from Aiden because he is our commander. He's strong,
fair and good at being the Unit Commander. I swore an oath to him when he was barely a man, to
serve him because I saw the potential in him. He hasn't let me down yet," he paused, then frowned
before continuing. "As for being an Elder, I don't want that title. If the other elders realized how old I
am they would come to me constantly for answers. The way we rule now works. No one family or
person is in charge for very long and it keeps new ideas coming in and prevents any one faction from
creating a dictatorship. I like my life how it is now. That's why I have been hiding my transition, if
they discovered my age it could destroy the precarious balance we have finally attained in our
"What you must have seen and done," she said in wonder. "Did you get to see Elvis?" she
asked suddenly.
His mouth dropped. "I watched entire empires emerge and fall. Gods rule and disappear. The
undocumented miracles of magic and science, kings, queens, wars and you ask about Elvis?" he asked
She smirked. "You totally saw him in concert." She tickled his calves with her toes.
He scowled at her. "Twice," he murmured.
"Ha! I knew it!" she giggled.
"The man was pure genius. His live performances had an element that was never captured by
any recording device. I was truly sad when he passed on," he admitted.
"What else?" she prompted then yawned.
"The first time I heard a full orchestra I wept. There were so many beautiful sounds that it
overwhelmed me," his eyes softened at the memory. "Tell me something about you," he prompted.
Elizabeth snuggled closer, her eyelids getting heavy. "Much to my family's delight I refused to
date vampires growing up." She grinned at his expression.
"My father has been likened to the Greek legend Adonis and my uncle to an avenging angel.
The bar was set kinda high."
"Oh really? And how did I measure up?" He poked her side making her laugh.
"There is no comparison. You became everything I didn't even know I wanted."
"I think Fate knew you were meant for just one vampire." He kissed her gently.
She pulled back and yawned in his face, then frowned at her own tiredness. He chuckled
lowly and pulled her close. He reached up and tapped the light above them sending them out amongst
the stars again.
"Goodnight, my mate," he whispered.
"Goodnight, my vampire," she quipped back.
My vampire, the one who has completely stolen my heart.
She woke up alone, Gavriel's side of the bed cool to the touch. He had to have gotten up at
least an hour ago. At the foot of the bed he had set up her suitcases so she would see them. She
tumbled out of bed and landed on the floor staring up at the ceiling. It looked so plain in the daylight.
She frowned at the open curtains and raised blinds. She wanted to lower them to block the sun so she
could see his stars again, but contented herself to wait for Gavriel.
Standing she turned to see she was in front of a full-length mirror. She leered at herself as her
body reminded her of the previous night's pleasure. Picking up the small bag that held her toiletries
she started looking for the bathroom. The first door she opened was a closet, the second a small study.
When she opened the third one and discovered a library she was about to panic. Vampires peed. She
knew they did, she had been raised with them. The fourth and final door led to an opulent bathroom.
She looked around. Was she really allowed in here? Shrugging, she walked in and found the shower.
The warm colored Italian stonework made the entire experience decadent.
Wrapped in a towel she padded over to the mirror and shook out her long blonde hair. She
stuck out her tongue then crossed her eyes at herself. Surprisingly her mate had a wall mounted hair
dryer. She smiled remembering his long dark hair. She supposed even vampires didn't like walking
around with wet hair in the winter. She shook her head; the man was too gorgeous for her sanity. She
dried her hair styling it so that it fell around her face and down her back in waves. She applied her
normal moisturizer, make up, deodorant, lotion and perfume. She walked back out into the bedroom
and knelt by her open suitcase. She carefully lifted out her favorite cream cashmere sweater and
sighed happily. She loved quality clothing. It was a byproduct of being raised with tailor-made
clothing. She dug out another pair of jeans, lace boy shorts with matching bra, and socks. She quickly
got dressed and looked from her short slouch boots to her knee-high, brown leather riding boots. She
chose the knee-high boots to complete her ensemble. She grabbed her wristlet that held her phone,
money, ID and lipstick and walked out of the room.
She retraced their steps from the previous night until she found the main stairway. She headed
down the stairs and made her way to the dining room. When she walked in the men quieted and stood.
Aiden flushed red and Colton gave her a thumbs up sign. Rolling her eyes she walked over to her
mate. He pulled out her seat and she sat down. He leaned down and kissed her cheek before taking his
seat next to her. She placed her wristlet on the table.
"Please tell me that last night wasn't the first time you all heard someone having sex." She
arched her eyebrow as Keelan began to choke on his waffle.
"Not true. We thought Aiden put Meryn's head through a wall one night." Colton spoke up.
"You heard that?" Aiden asked, practically shouting.
"Why are you being loud?" Meryn demanded. Aiden gulped and shoveled a huge forkful of
bacon into his mouth.
"Please tell me there's coffee," Elizabeth looked around. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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