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Saxe-Coburg indeed! Of course, Josiah would block the
truth from Redvers bewildered mind, but to adapt Mrs
Saxe-Coburg  a nickname from the lowest reaches of
society  into a totem within Redvers domain, questioned
not only Josiah s sick humour but also the company he
kept. Perhaps he already had contacts in London.
With Control beyond reach, the Doctor decided his
attention was best employed here and in finding Ace. And
the biggest problem was going to be dealing with Light,
whatever it was up to.
Redvers took back the picture of Victoria Regina and
said,  When I find it, I shall shoot it!
Nimrod knew he had found Light when he saw a steady
stream of golden haze emanating beneath the door of the
Trophy room. He had so many questions, and if the wise
men spoke with the voice of the god when questioned, then
surely the god himself was wiser still. For all that Josiah
had taught Nimrod, it was Light, the Burning One, who
had brought him to this tamed, unwild place. Would he
not also take him home? But Light had questions and
apprehensions of his own.
As Nimrod entered, he saw his God bent over the maid,
who was laid out on the dissecting bench. Light turned to
stare at the newcomer and in its hand, it held the maid s
detached arm, bloodily severed at the shoulder.
 I wanted to see how it worked, it said,  so I dismantled
it. Its cold stare settled on Nimrod s own wondering eyes.
 But I need another specimen...
Nimrod bowed his head.  Sir, you are Light. Long ago,
my people worshipped you as the Burning One.
The pupils of Light s eyes narrowed.  I know you. I took
you up as the last specimen of the extinct Neanderthal race
from Earth.
 Yes, sir.
 At least they knew when to stop evolving. Who released
you from your quarantine cubicle?
 Mr Josiah, sir. I am in his service.
That name again, undoubtedly the evolved form of the
Survey Agent. Still, here was a specimen that Light could
discourse with. It pointed a finger into the air and teased
the molecules so that they flared into visibility, spinning in
a glowing orb before it.
 Look at these microbes. They re evolving even as I
speak! If this is Earth, my entire catalogue of the planet is
worthless! Centuries of work wasted!
It flicked its finger and the orb disintegrated into the
Nimrod tried to take in the god s words, but all he could
perceive were the cold eyes and the callous, empty voice.
His people revered the state of mind that others called
madness, but Light was beyond this different sanity.
Nimrod realized with mounting fear that his god was
destructively and monstrously unhinged.
The door opened and Mackenzie appeared, out of breath
and red in the face. Seeing Nimrod, he gasped,  Thank
heavens. Safe at last. That mad woman s after me. She s...
he faltered as Light emerged from behind Nimrod s
 And if we don t want things to change, it said,  we
make sure that they cannot!
Mackenzie fell backwards against the door as all colour
drained from him. Under the stare, he began to sink slowly
to the floor, choking and frothing, his eyes streaming with
rich dark tears.
Ace knew enough about fights to easily hold her own
against a genteel Victorian miss, but she was in a state of
nervous shock and Gwendoline had the strength of a
Turkish wrestler. Ace caught her first whiff of chloroform
and fought like a demon. Screwing her eyes shut, she
kicked and bit for all she was worth. Gwendoline stumbled
and Ace ran blindly away down the passage, crushing
insects underfoot. She wanted to find the Doctor, but
instinct drew her towards the TARDIS.
As she hurtled around a corner, a maid stepped out in
her path. Gwendoline was right behind her and Ace had no
choice but to dart through a door into another disused
bedroom. She tried to force the door shut, but Gwendoline
was already pushing it in and the maid had joined her.
 Come along Ace, I don t want to hurt you, called
 You mean it ll be painless! retaliated Ace. But with
nothing to jam against the handle, she was gradually losing
the battle. With a hefty shove, Gwendoline forced her way
into the room. The maid stood in the doorway watching as
the two girls fought like cats. Then, hearing voices, she
darted back into the passage, closing the door behind her.
 The Crowned Saxe-Coburg s habitat isn t easy to discover,
Redvers was telling the Doctor, as they rounded the corner. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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