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A Handyman s Best Tool
site for three hours now. She wondered how it was going. Had there been
more sabotage?
The thought of Riley in danger did strange things to her equilibrium.
If something happened to him, it would shatter her. She might never see
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him again.
A cold lump developed in the pit of her stomach. Tears filled her eyes
and she had to blink to clear her vision. She swallowed down the nausea
that filled her throat. Twenty-four hours away from Riley and she was a
basket case.
What if some sick creep was stalking him right at this moment? She
had a mental picture of the villain lying in wait for Riley, ready to bash
him over the head as he walked by. Her mind went into overdrive and
provided her with a whole range of equally traumatic scenarios.
Riley, beaten to a pulp. Covered in blood as his life ebbed away.
Arson, with rapacious flames licking at his skin with unimaginable pain.
 Stop it, Beth-Ann. You re being stupid, she warned herself.
She reined in her imagination, but the sense of fear remained. If
something happened to Riley, she would be devastated. She d have lost
the most important person in her life and she hadn t even told him she
loved him.
With a shake of her head, she tried to think rationally. She flicked a
glance around the pristine neatness of the living room in an effort to
distract herself. She d polished the house to within an inch of its life.
What didn t move had been brushed, washed, scrubbed and sorted. It
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had been the only way to keep her thoughts off Riley. Now there was
nothing left to do. The heavens preserve her, she d turned into a replica
of her mom.
Her thoughts turned back to her childhood. Mom always said she
liked doing things for her husband, that is was part of the loving. Given
Alexis Fleming
how much she d enjoyed cooking for Riley the last few days, maybe there
was something to it.
Do you love Riley, truly love him?
 Oh, yeah.
Miss him when he s not around?
 More than I thought possible. She glanced over to the back door.  I
miss his work boots parked by the door. Heck, I even miss his washing. I
like seeing his jocks and jeans on the clothesline with my panties and tee
shirts. I am one sick puppy.
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The internal voice clamored for attention. She let it have its way.
What are you going to do about it, because if you walk away from this,
it could be the worst mistake of your life?
The ball was in her court. After the cold reception she d given Riley
when he d called today, he might never contact her again. It was up to
her to mend the fences. He was smart enough to know she d tried to
distance herself from their relationship. Hell, he may well have had
enough of her and be ready to move on to the next woman.
She could sit here and drive herself crazy with wanting him. Or she
could get off her butt and go find out if he still wanted her. As far as
commitment went, she didn t have a problem with being exclusive just as
long as Riley didn t mention the marriage word. Just because she loved
him didn t mean he had to move in and take over.
Cindy was right. He d made himself at home here, but she liked it,
liked that he felt comfortable enough to do so. It didn t have to go any
further. He had his place of residence and she d retain hers. A simple
solution and one she wasn t about to forgo. Because, like it or not, she
loved Riley Osborne and couldn t imagine life without him.
Go do something about it.
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A Handyman s Best Tool
Darn, that persistent little voice inside her head was at it again, but
this time she listened and took its advice. Because it suddenly seemed
important that she tell Riley she loved him. Right now. Tonight!
Within minutes, she d showered and towel-dried her hair until it
curled about her face. It didn t take long to slip into panties and a brief
cotton shift dress. Flat sandals and she was ready.
She phoned for a cab and used a few precious seconds to make up a [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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