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Catherine Asaro - The Veiled Web
had a vacation in years. Although she had dated a bit, she had never found anyone who
understood her commitment to dance, the long hours, the intensity, the dedication. She
wanted to love, hoped for a husband and children. But it had never worked out.
Did she want to walk out now? To say Rashid intrigued and attracted her was an
understatement. But she felt the immensity of the barriers that separated them.
"I'm not sure," she admitted.
"At least wait a few days, until we know more. It is safer here than in Tangier or en
She tensed. "You think we might have more trouble?"
He raked his hand through his hair. "I wish I could believe as the police do, that they
solved the case. But I can't. How did three such different people an Italian security
guard, a retired Russian major, and an ex-patriot Algerian become involved together?
They have almost nothing in common, not culturally, socially, religiously, or
economically. It's like three computer modules that don't fit anywhere. To make sense
out of what they do, you need the larger program that runs them."
Although such a view would never have occurred to her, she could see what he meant.
"You think they're part of something bigger?"
He hesitated. "I don't wish to alarm you."
"I'm an adult, Rashid. Tell me what you're worried about."
Quietly he said, "I think it's possible that much more exists in this situation than appears
on the surface. If that is true, they will probably try again."
She rubbed her arms, feeling cold. "Do you have any idea why?"
"Something connected to my business? The research at JI? Our products?" He spread
his hands. "Perhaps it does involve money or politics. Or maybe someone wants to
make a statement that makes sense to them even if it doesn't to me. I don't know. But I
would rather be viewed as eccentric and overprotective than regret my choices later."
Softly Lucia said, "We have a saying for that. Better safe than sorry."
file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/harry%20kruis...aar/Catherine%20Asaro%20-%20The%20Veiled%20Web.html (87 of 359)20-2-2006 21:09:18
Catherine Asaro - The Veiled Web
In a gentle voice, he said, "For you also. If you go back in public now, I'm afraid it will
make you a target. Especially since you are my wife. And you travel a great deal with
MDT. It makes you more vulnerable."
Remembering the drugged nightmare of the last few days, she suppressed a shudder.
What would happen if she returned to her normal life? Although most theaters had some
form of security, it was minimal. If someone wanted to reach her, they could do it far
more easily than if she stayed here. "Do you really think anyone would come after me?"
"You witnessed everything." He touched her cheek. "You don't know how much I wish
you hadn't been pulled into this."
"Or you." She looked up at him. "Do you have enemies who might want you hurt?"
"Not that I know of." Light from the setting sun warmed his face. "I came home to
Morocco to be a professor at Mohammed the Fifth University. Instead I'm CEO of a
multinational corporation. So still I am learning." He grimaced. "Strategy formulation.
Resource management. Marketing. It never ends." Spreading his hands, he said, "Would
one of my competitors go so far as to kidnap me? It seems rather extreme."
Curious, she said, "If you were a professor, how did you end up as a CEO?"
Rashid exhaled. "When I accepted the position at Imperial College, my father was
disappointed. He had hoped I would join him at our company, al-Jazari Citrus." He
turned his hands palm up, as if to offer a compromise. "So when I returned to Morocco,
to teach, I wanted to offer a contribution to the business. I suggested we expand into
software. Sell a program I was writing." He looked disconcerted. "I never intended to
end up running al-Jazari Citrus."
She thought of the name he had used before. "I thought it was Jazari International."
"Now, yes." He cracked his knuckles. "The software sold a bit better than I expected."
"What does it do?"
"It's just a Web browser. It talks to you."
She stared at him. "You wrote Websparks?"
"Well, yes, that's what I call it."
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Catherine Asaro - The Veiled Web
"Good Lord." She could hardly believe it. "I use it." So did millions of other people.
His face gentled, lines crinkling around his eyes. "Then I'm honored." Mischief flashed
on his face again. "Lucky program, to always be at the touch of your fingers."
As Lucia blushed, a beep came from Rashid's waist. Looking down, she saw a red light [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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