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"Full mobilization isn't necessary or even desirable," Tresqu interrupted with
some impatience. "One task force can do the job. Ah! I see by your expression
that you do not have even one task force in readiness."
"Your Gracious Wisdom," begged Wert, "you ordered a full holiday this month to
celebrate the twenty-fourth anniversary of your magnificent reign, and "
"Enough, Wert! Your tongue is as clumsy as your body." Tresqu nibbled
thoughtfully at the tip of his tail.
"We will use the Weapon," he decided. "In order to allow my court to continue
their holiday, I'll assume direct command in this." He rose from his throne.
"Musicians, summon my guards. I go to visit the
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Weapon. Come, Wert; come also, Fool. You will accompany me."
* * *
Shortly thereafter, Tresqu and his entourage boarded the royal cruiser and
roared away from the City of
Wisdom. The ship flew halfway around the planet and came to rest in a peaceful
purple valley where
insects shrilled contentedly and a small stream rippled. Tresqu climbed out
onto the violet turf, his followers coming after him.
"Mighty Weapon of Zoz," he called, "I, Tresqu, seek your presence!"
"Oh, no!" groaned a slightly mechanical voice that seemed to come from no
particular direction. "Will there never be peace, never a tranquil moment to
soothe my spirit and erase the bloody stains of destruction recorded on my
"That voice! It carries me away!" breathed the Fool. "Such a tragic tale of
tormented strength is implicit in its very tone that I think I shall swoon!"
But he wrapped his tail around the trunk of a nearby sapling for support and
managed to retain consciousness.
"Me, too!" Wert chimed in with suspicious haste. "I'm quite moved!"
"Try not to counterfeit a soul you do not possess." Tresqu glowered at Wert.
"You deceive no one."
The Fool was recovered sufficiently to hit the discomfited Lord of War with a
pebble when Tresqu was not watching.
The Weapon had drifted into sight during this exchange, floating out of a
shady hollow, as if blown by a breeze. It was very simple in appearance an
impalpable three-foot glowing sphere with a squat metallic cylinder at its
"Tell me not the purpose of your visit, petty lord," It said. "It is known to
me only too well. Ah, great
First Principle! Little did I reck when, in ages past, I nursed your species
to civilization, just how poorly you would serve my purpose. Peace it was I
desired, but do I get it? No! Your kingdom is powerful, but you have not the
strength to handle your own troubles. You rule twenty-nine planets "
"Thirty-seven," corrected Tresqu politely.
" thirty-seven planets, but when a malignant force appears on your borders, I,
the Weapon, must be called upon to act in my own defense, and for the sake of
a few more restful moments in this calm glade, I am obliged to destroy, yet it
was to avoid destroying that I helped your species to empire in the old days."
"In truth," spoke the deeply sympathetic Tresqu, "yours is a sad story. I
disturb your richly earned rest only after the sincerest soul-searching. But
affairs of state are at cross purposes in a moment of crisis, and without your
help Hova will be in danger."
"Ah, cruel Fate!" intoned the Weapon, "It aids me in no manner to protest
against your inscrutable machinations! There is no turning aside, no avoidance
of necessity!" In a less declamatory style, the
Weapon addressed Tresqu: "Very well, what is the trouble?"
Tresqu described the events on Terra for the Weapon, concluding, "Now that the
Humans have knowledge of our space drive and armament, they are certain to
attack, especially if they realize they have been subjects for experiment."
The Weapon flitted about restlessly along the bank of the brook. "I question
the motives of my own thoughts. Do I quibble with myself in an attempt to
escape unwelcome necessities? Tell, petty lord, do your scientists confirm the
picture you paint of the Humans? Are they, like you, alas, masterfully vicious
enough to destroy the peace of dozens of planets for nothing but revenge?"
"So the scientists say, mighty Weapon," answered Tresqu.
"You, Lord of War, why are you silent when your face is strained with words
crying for expression?"
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asked the Weapon. "Speak your mind."
Wert squirmed. "If it please Your Mightiness, and you, Your Gracious Wisdom, I
believe the Humans will know that we desire their destruction, and will try to
defeat us for the sake of their own survival rather than revenge."
"A most convincing point, Lord of War," said the Weapon. Tresqu flashed a
forgiving smile at Wert while the Weapon paused before continuing:
"However, I fear my unwilling spirit refuses to bow to the most reasonable of
arguments. Please leave me; solve the problem yourselves!"
Tresqu bowed and moved toward the cruiser. "We obey, Mighty Guide of our
fathers. Let me say in parting that I, too, am grieved by our talk, much more
because of the pain our visit has caused your noble greatness than because our
race is threatened with annihilation. My deepest hope is that the ravages of
war will never reach this peaceful place which is so dear to your gentle
"Wait!" groaned the Weapon. "To slay, or not to slay, that is the dilemma. Ah,
had my old masters of
Zoz only left within my powers the seed of my own destruction, I would gladly [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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