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placed a stick figure inside.  The tarot shows your blueprint, the meaning and archetypes to which these
placements predispose you, how your planets design your purpose and your passageway.
Leo then removed the cards and quickly looked through them. He removed one and handed it to her.
 This is the card associated with Scorpio.
She turned it over and gulped. She stared at it several long seconds, morbid thoughts racing through her
mind before she finally rasped,  The death card?
Leo took it from her hand and held it up.  It s not what you think. It doesn t mean death as in the end of
Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html
She breathed a small sigh of relief.  So what does it mean?
 You re thinking of death as in departure from this plane of existence. But we experience many little
deaths along our path.
 We do? Perplexed, she spread her hands wide.
 Not death of the body, but the end of one phase of our life or the end of a project. The purpose is to
teach us how to let go and go on. The Death card is a reminder to release what no longer serves your
Although she d never thought of change and renewal asdeath, his explanation made sense.  Okay.
 We have to change to be stable. This is the secret of life mortals need to accept in order to evolve.
Unfortunately, change is not a human favorite.
Mortals? Would she ever get used to his strange manner of thought and speech? Sometimes she found it
charming, but this rubbed her the wrong way and she bristled.
He looked her squarely in the eye.  Youare fighting change. You must change in order to survive, to
thrive. You must learn new things and endure the trials sent your way. You must learn to be flexible as the
pine tree and strong as the rock. A Scorpio s work is to release yourself from stagnant relationships.
Did he mean Richard? If so, he must know that was long dead and buried. Or did he mean her dance
career which had come to a blinding, excruciating halt?
He placed the card face up on the lounge between them and clasped her hands in his.  You must reflect
on what needs to be changed in your life. You must find the strength to implement the change if you wish
to be happy. Perhaps it will help if you remember that death is a vital, inescapable part of life.
He picked up the full deck and shuffled it. He held the cards for a few moments and then shuffled them
again.  I can feel power emanating from them. I draw from it and it from me. Readings bring comfort and
provides clarity when I am clouded with confusion.
In awe, she stared at his hands, at the roughly curling golden hair on his fingers, at how gently he cradled
the cards. Tarot cards shouldn t look so at home in such masculine hands, but they did.
74 Heavenly Hijinks
He looked up at her with eyes such a clear amber she felt as if she gazed into the noonday sun.  Through
meditation the ability to access the guiding voice of your intuition becomes stronger and the constant flow
of messages and images becomes clearer and easier to understand. As you work more and more with
the cards, you will develop your own special relationship with them.
 Uh-huh. She regarded the cards with suspicion.  Is this fortune-telling?
 No. It s an ancient form of counseling. Readings capture the essence of the moment as experienced by
the client. It picks up on influences lessons from their past showing possibilities for the future. Tarot
reading must be treated with respect and absolute humility.
He gazed up at the heavens and sadness misted his eyes.  The majority of people consult the cards in
Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html
times of confusion or distress which puts great responsibility on a reader s shoulders. Right now, I can
feel the pain and anguish of all my charges. They re calling out to me for help, but other than the few I can
touch through your shop, I find myself helpless to ease their suffering.
She moved closer, and folded her hand over his with a gentle squeeze. She tried to ignore the frisson of
awareness that shot up her arm this time, and every time, they chanced to touch.
 Let me explain a few basics you will need to know before you begin your journey of interpreting the
tarot. He proceeded to go into a lengthy, involved explanation.
Her head spun with the information dump. She gazed at him with glazed eyes.  I don t know if I can [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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