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CHICAGO  The big thing with the Green Bay Packers now is psycho-cybernetics.
That s like the power of positive thinking, only the name is fancier. Maxwell Maltz wrote the
book on psycho-cybernetics. Not many people ever heard of Maxwell, but they know his
readers. Bart Starr is one of them, and so is Zeke Bratkowski  both Green Bay quarterbacks.
Even Coach Vince Lombardi reads what Maxwell has to say.
Don Chandler, the Packer punter, had the book opened in his room Friday afternoon,
alternately making his thinking more positive and freezing his mind by watching a soap opera on
television. He had borrowed the book from his roommate Jerry Kramer, a Packer for 10 years.
 It just makes you know what you can do, what you have inside yourself, said Chandler,
wrapped in a sheet as if he were about to address the Roman Senate.  It has really caught on
with the team this year.
Power of Pen Propels Dillard
(Toronto Daily Star, Nov 20, 1968 by Jim Proudfoot)
A fortnight ago, Jim Dillard was in the worst slump of his football career and had begun
to think there was no way out. Then he was introduced to Psycho-Cybernetics, the philosophy of
a man called Maxwell Maltz. Dillard was sold on the idea immediately, started to study a book
on the subject, and in the two games he s played for the Argonauts since then, has averaged 7.9
yards each time he s carried the ball from scrimmage.
The improvements have been dramatic, to say the least, because during the 14 game
Eastern Conference schedule, his average output was a meager 4.6 yards. Moreover, he was
sluggish and out of tune with his fired-up colleagues. Now, since the playoffs began, he s been
blocking and running decisively, like the Dillard of bygone years.
Before, he ran as if expecting to be stopped. Now he runs as though convinced he can t
be stopped. Dillard s revitalization is an important reason the Argonauts now find themselves
close to the eastern championship and entry to the Grey Cup final, owners of a 2-point lead over
the Ottawa Roughriders in a playoff doubleheader, which is to be completed at Ottawa s
Lansdowne Park Saturday.
Maltz Gets The Credit
And should the Argonauts extravagant dream really come true, then they ll owe a vote of
thanks to this Maxwell Maltz. His book is responsible for the change in Dillard, who made 146
yards in the semi-final conquest of the Hamilton Tiger-Cats, and another 100 last Sunday when
the Argonauts got the jump on Ottawa. Consistent production by Dillard had been the missing
ingredient in the Argonauts offense all season and the one thing they absolutely had to get in the
 I got excited about Psycho-Cybernetics as soon as I read the first chapter, Dillard was
saying yesterday.
 There are a lot of angles to it, but I think I can explain it in a simple way. It shows you
how to emphasize your good points and stop fretting about your weaknesses. It gives you
confidence in yourself and your abilities, and tells you the way to make the most of your assets
and really find out what you re capable of. So much of all this, see, depends on how you think
and that s what the book concentrates on.
 I guess you could call it the power of positive thinking. It s a way to hypnotize yourself,
you might say.
None of this is new to professional sports. Quarterback Bart Starr and several of the other
Green Bay Packers were disciples of Psycho-Cybernetics last season when they were world
champions of football. Terry Evanshen, Calgary Stampeders standout pass receiver, is a
believer. Another is Bobby Rousseau, prolific right-winger with the Montreal Canadians.
Behind the scenes here is Ron Barbaro, a Toronto insurance executive who helped
organize and operate the Argonauts Playback Club. He has many salesmen learning to function
the psycho-cybernetics way and now is setting up classes to supplement what Maltz put in his
 I wasn t really worrying about myself, but I did recognize that I wasn t having a good
season. Dillard said.  A few days before the playoff game against Hamilton, Ron took me to
lunch and gave me this book. He suggested I take a look at it and said there might be some ideas
in it I could use.
There s A Connection
 Well, I bought the thing right away. It s done a lot for me, showing me how to convince
myself of what I m capable of doing. I honestly believe there s a direct connection between
psycho-cybernetics and the good games I ve had the last two weekends.
 I could see it doing the same for people in any line of work because what job is there
where it isn t important to believe in yourself? I ll tell you the truth, I can t hardly wait for the
classes to start.
Dillard, you may recall, never signed a 1968 contract, gambling that his work would
enable him to negotiate a raise during the winter. Thank you again, Maxwell Maltz.
Chapter 26
You may be tempted to think Psycho-Cybernetics and visualization techniques are some
kind of voodoo magic or witchcraft. When doing these exercises for the first time, you may feel
a little awkward. Do not let that deter you. Anything new usually feels a little awkward at first,
but with time and practice, obviously it will get much easier. But make no mistake about it.
Visualization techniques have been used by millions of hugely successful people all over the
world. They ve used techniques very much like ones you re going to learn about to achieve
incredible success in their lives. The real key is they see themselves as successes long before
they actually become successes. Another key is that they continue to see themselves as a success
in their given field on a daily basis. They certainly don t just sit back and think success is theirs
forever. They know they have to nurture it and continue to see themselves in their mind s eye as
the success they want to be.
I had a mentor when I first started at the exchange. He was probably one of the 10 best
floor traders in Chicago. He would consistently make a seven-figure salary trading in the pit.
But he had one practice that always intrigued me. He would lay on his couch for 30 minutes
before the market opened each day and visualize his trades. He would see himself in his mind s
eye buying and selling from the different traders on the floor. He would picture in his mind the
bright colors of the other traders jackets. He would see the quote boards as they displayed the
ever moving prices. He would get into winning trades and get out of them at a profit. He would
get into losing trades and get out of them the second he thought they would not be profitable. All
in his mind s eye he would remember the past winning trades he d had, and feel the feelings that
those trades produced. Every single day he would do this, and in my opinion, it had a lot to do
with how successful he was.
The mind s eye is a key term in using visualization techniques. This is where you do
your visualizing. It s very much like when you read a book or someone tells you a story. You
don t just listen to the words, you see the pictures in your mind s eye using your imagination.
As children, we used our imagination on a daily basis. But as adults, most people use
their creative imagination less and less, which is a shame because this is really when we need it
most. When we were kids, we used to pretend things. We would imagine a tree we were
climbing was actually a huge army fort. We would pretend a play fire truck at the park was a real
working fire truck. We could actually drive it to fires (in our imagination) and put those fires [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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