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mentioned, are necessary in this Operation.
Here I am unwilling to forbear to admonish, that not only in this, but in every Melting of
Antimony, the Artist ought to observe the Face of Heaven, and begin his Work when the same is
clear and serene. If you do otherwise, you will in vain deplore the Obscurity of the Colour in
your Liver of Antimony. For if you laugh at me, attributing much Virtue to the Influences of the
Stars, I shall deride you, deploring the unluckie Success of many Processes. But I would not
digress so far, as to take on me to prove the Virtues of Celestial Influences, against men, either
knowing so little, as they cannot understand, or having experienced somewhat do not discern;
but in the meanwhile are so obstinate, as they will not believe those things which they see, have
tried, and in very deed found to be so. I would no more urge Reasons against these men, then
against these, who deny even the Mutation of Metals by the Stone of Philosophers. We judge
such men more worthy of Contempt than Refutation, who say that is not possible, which they
have beheld with their Eyes, and done with their hands: for it is very rude to say, I deny, I deny,
who proves? These perverse men by their thus acting, do sometimes provoke the patience of
good ingenious Artists, judging that they, with a certain Zeal of confirming what they assert,
will proceed so far, as to discover to them their Experiment of so excellent an Art. But I do not
think that any of them, who have obtained the Mystery will be so imprudent, as unadvisedly to
cast Pearls before Swine, and to discover to the unworthy, what GOD hath revealed to him; or
give them of the Bread he Eats, which is not to be cast to Dogs.
Therefore, returning to the Matter from whence I digressed, I affirm, that there are some times
of the year, in which if Liver of Antimony be made, and precipitated with a due Menstruum, it
will be imbibed with altogether another Colour, and be endued with other Virtues than that,
which is made at another time; and that, both for Metals, and for healing the Infirmities of men,
as I my self have experienced in many grievous Diseases, and Symptoms of Diseases. I will also
add this: from the Liver of Antimony may be extracted a Redness with Spirit of Wine, which
Redness is made volatile, and passeth over the Helm, which also may be exhibited to all without
danger. Nor is there any great need of that Caution of Basilius (even before the Redness is
volatilized) that it must be given in a small Quantity. For being given from thirty to forty, or fifty
Drops, it sweats moderately, and doth not Purge or Vomit: but it effects wonders in purging the
Blood, extirpating the Roots of a Disease, and rendring the Patient vigorous, by insensible
Expiration, and its occult Virtues. This Vendible Wine needs not the Bush of Eloquence to
commend it to the Sick; who once having experienced its Virtues, know what it can do, and that
it as much answers their Desires, as they esteem their Money.
Triumphal Chariot Page 44
69. Put this Liver dried into a Cucurbit, pour thereon most pure Spirit of Wine; abstract the Spirit by
distilling in B.M. so that a third part only may remain. But before Distillation, the Spirit of Wine together
with the Extraction must be filtered through Paper. This Extraction may indeed be profitably used; but in a
small Dose, and with great Caution. What happens in this Operation is very admirable. For the Spirit of
Wine abstracted, can no more be united with the red Extraction, whence it was distilled; but one floats
above the other, as Water and Oyl, which cannot be mixed. But if the abstracted Spirit of Wine be poured
upon other Liver of Antimony, it again attracts the Colour to itself; yet this, although poured upon the
former Extraction, cannot be mixed therewith. Which is a Thing so strange, as it may be numbered among
Wonders. But who can declare the Wonders of GOD? or who will worthily esteem the Gifts of the Creator,
which he hath implanted in his Creatures? by us scarcely perscrutable with deep Meditation.
I before made mention of the Extraction of Antimony, from its Glass* by Vinegar, and also by Spirit of
Wine: but I now say, when such an Extraction is made by Vinegar, and the Vinegar is again abstracted by
B.M. and the Powder which remains is resolved in a moist place, into Oyl or Liquor of a Yellow Colour; it
effects such Wonders in Wounds, new and old, as I neither can, nor dare to commit them all to writing.
*Here our Author acts as a Teacher careful, and full of Affection, who not satisfied once to
mention, doth often inculcate the principal Precepts of his Doctrine. But, what it is, that specially
moves him to repeat the Virtues of the Sulphur of Antimony, I see not: he saith, he repeats
nothing in vain; therefore do thou, Reader, if thou judgest it of Concern, more attently
consider, whether you may not here find somewhat that is not mentioned, or the Reason why it
is again spoken of. I, who profess myself to write to the Intelligent, reiterate nothing here. He
that comprehends, let him comprehend; he that hath not there understood, I fear will not here
For it represseth all Symptoms of what kind so ever, suffereth none to take Root, and admits no Putrefaction
in fresh Wounds. Also the Extraction of this Powder, before Solution is made by Spirit of Wine, effects the
same, and yields not us inferior to other Medicaments, which are administered against internal Affects.
I have often made mention of this Preparation in other of my Writings, also in this Treatise of Antimony,
very largely; because I know how great benefits and how great Secrets are latent in it. Therefore I hope, no
Disciple will be affected with tediousness, by Reason of Repetitions in my Writings, which I faithfully open
and bring to Light. For whatsoever I write is not without Reason; and my words are Short, but require much
Consideration, although often repeated. To the Ignorant my Discourses contribute little understanding, to
Children and the unexperienced little Profit; but to my Disciples and Apostles, much health and prosperity.
71. [EXTRACT OF ANTIMONY, BY A CAUSTICK WATER] [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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