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Laodicea Saturn Mixolydian Hypophrygian
As with the planets, we cannot consider the angels as entirely separate entities but only as
an integral boundary of the seven angels together. Cayce reading 2533-007#32 reads:
 & Behold the face of the angels ever stands before the throne
of God; the awareness in self that thou may be one with, equal
with, the Father-God, as His child, as the brother of the Christ,
thy Savior, thy Brother. And as the awareness comes, it is as the
angel of hope, the angel of announcing, the angel of declaiming,
the angel that would warn, the angel that would protect. For,
these are ever as awarenesses, as consciousnesses of the abiding
presence of that  He hath given his angels charge concerning
Min s Concise Commentary
So you see, it s really one great angel, one great body of Christ, who has seven sidereal
boundaries of consciousness. Each boundary, each God, each angel, each plane, dimension,
attunement, attainment etc, each of the seven vast regions of consciousness in the diatonic
scales of life is a place for our awareness to develop, via its mode among the seven.
The classical Greek mythology of the planets, particularly as recounted in Hesiod s Theog-
ony, springs to life in soul-consciousness, the psyche of man. Hence psychology becomes a
close parallel with astrology. The distinct powers & per- sonalities of the Gods are well-known
to man, if only on a subconscious level for the gentile masses. Dreams bring us closer to this
occult awareness of superconscious entities, as Cayce calls the  creative forces in whose image
we are and were created. Each of the Gods commands fabulous power and principality, such
that awakening any one of them from slumber i.e. within ourselves is to rouse a sleeping giant!
And like the Earth s vast oceans, the other Gods will seek the same  sealevel of supercon-
scious arousal. Hindus have known this for many thousands of years, and have developed
whole religions devoted to arousing the centers or chakras in the body, particularly those of
the cerebrospinal nerve centers. Cayce gave plenty of readings on this subject and this excerpt
from reading 1861-004#25 is exemplary of this:
 (Q) How may I bring into activity my pineal and pituitary
glands, as well as the Kundalini and other chakras, that I may
attain to higher mental and spiritual powers? Are there exer-
cises for this purpose, and if there are, please give them.
(A) As indicated, first so FILL the mind with the ideal that it
may vibrate throughout the whole of the MENTAL being! Then,
close the desires of the fleshly self to conditions about same.
MEDITATE upon  THY WILL WITH ME. Feel same. Fill ALL
the centers of the body, from the lowest to the highest, with that
ideal; opening the centers by surrounding self first with that
consciousness,  NOT MY WILL BUT THINE, O LORD, BE
DONE IN AND THROUGH ME. And then, have that desire,
that purpose, not of attaining without HIS direction, but WITH
His direction, - who is the Maker, the Giver of life and light; as
it is indeed in Him that we live and move and have our being.
This is the heart of astrological-psychological meditation or Xian prayer in its pristine glory.
The will seeks to be always giving to and helping others in need. This help can be in physical
necessities like food, shelter and clothing, or helpful instructions, advice, admonishments,
rebuke and chastisement ONLY where it is warranted and appropriate to the degree befitting
the offense. This includes taking responsibility for ones own transgressions as conscience
Chapter 2
dictates. Confession, contrition and reparation. We cannot be giving to others what we are
loathe to take upon ourselves. We can t warn others to repent from things we do ourselves.
Jesus warned repeatedly against hypocrisy. Self-discipline is conducive to well-being and helps
us to serve others in need. Thus ones intent to help others is only deception if it isn t put into
actual practice. That s the great danger of meditation or prayer, that being complacency or
dereliction of duty. Better not to meditate at all, than it is to neglect our daily obligation to put
ones illumination into practice. Mere purpose isn t enough. Action speaks volumes in the
book of life. We are judged by our works, even more than by our intent. Where research and
implementation come together in actualization, then we are truly doing our job.
The Nicolaitans were a sect of libertines feigning Xianity. In the original sense of idolatry,
the idolater is one who adores the archetypal or mundane image and likeness of the Gods
more than the One above all. The ten commandments are wholly unambiguous about this.
I ve translated these from the Latin Vulgate in my 4th book  Min s Planetary Awareness Tech-
nique on this URL:
The first three commandments appear translated verbatim hereinbelow: [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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