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a lousy waste of space.
Wow, and she thought she had it bad with her folks.
 Does it help if I say at least he acknowledges you exist?
He studied her with interest.  So your folks wouldn t win any Parents of the Year awards either,
 My folks are the most narcissistic people on the planet. Allegra clasped his hand, hoping to
convey how much she understood of his situation.  Beverly Hills socialites who assumed their
positions rather than earning them. Dad serves on the boards of various companies, Mom does the
charity circle. I was a mistake they shipped off to boarding school as soon as I could walk.
 Ouch. He squeezed her hand in return.  In my case, boarding school was to teach me discipline,
manners, and a well-rounded education leading into law.
 Ah& so that s why your dad s not keen on advertising.
He nodded.  That waste-of-space comment was his response the day I opened the agency.
She glimpsed the depth of his pain before he deliberately blinked, eradicating it, as she wished she
could hold him tight.  What do your folks think of your aborted wedding?
 They think I m nuts for not marrying some pompous ass the Third and spending my days shopping
on Rodeo and my nights at movie premieres.
He searched her face, before continuing.  You almost did have that life. Is that why you were
getting hitched to that old fart?
 How do you know about Flint 
 Google. He managed to look sheepish, apologetic and cute at the same time.  I wanted to see
what kind of an idiot would let a woman like you slip away.
Secretly thrilled by his comment, she pretended to preen.  And what kind of woman is that?
 Intelligent. Witty. Beautiful. His fingertip traced the curve of her cheek.  If I can see that in the
space of twenty-four hours, the guy must be a total dickhead to dump you.
 It s not his fault.
Jett stiffened at her instant defense of Flint.
 Sometimes you tumble into a situation without having the guts to stop it. Momentum keeps it going
and it builds into something monumental and then it s too late to avoid it. She scanned his face for
any clue he understood her convoluted explanation, relieved to see a spark of acknowledgement in his
jade eyes.  I actually admire Flint for pulling the pin on our wedding before it was too late, for
acknowledging we were making a mistake.
 The bastard cheated on you, he blurted, immediately clamping his lips into a thin, unimpressed
Not many people knew the truth about her breakup with Flint her folks and Zoe being the
exceptions yet she found herself wanting to tell Jett. Out of loyalty to Flint for taking the fall?
Maybe. Or perhaps there was something about the way Jet had opened up to her about his dad, his
upbringing, that strengthened their connection.
 Flint didn t cheat on me. She shook her head.  Press he orchestrated to take the fall. Her
fingertips skated across his chest.  And I can t believe we re wasting time talking about your job and
my ex when we could be& you know.
 I don t know. His lips eased into a wicked smile.  You ll have to tell me.
 Fine. She cupped her hand to his ear and pressed her lips close, whispering exactly what she d
like them to be doing right now rather than talking.
Jett managed a terse,  Let s go, and she didn t have to be asked twice.
Time to see if the oxygen deprivation at thirty thousand feet had contributed to her mind-blowing
orgasms with Jett, or if the guy was just as talented with both feet on the ground.
As for the persistent guilt dogging her, she d need to suck it up. Keeping the truth from Jett
shouldn t affect what they had. They were consenting adults indulging in a passionate fling. She
desperately wanted to explore the sexual side he d awakened. It would do her good, having
something pleasurable to focus on while she slaved her ass off devising a killer pitch.
Did she feel a tad heartless? Hell yeah. But Jett was a hot guy she d known for a few days and AW
Advertising was her life. She d do anything to save her business. Hell, she d almost married Flint
because of what that would ve brought to the table.
She had no choice. Keep her pitch a secret. Win the campaign. And hope she didn t lose the guy in
the process.
 The honeymoon suite? Jett propped in the doorway and glanced around with a wry twist to the
mouth Allegra wanted on her, all over her, now.  Seriously?
 It was booked, and Zoe didn t cancel like I asked her. Allegra gave him a bump with her hip and
closed the door behind them.  The space will come in handy once we start swinging from the
He laughed and tugged her close.  Is that after I go down on you like you asked out by the pool?
 Yeah, the chandelier-swinging can wait. She slid a hand around his neck, reveling in her
newfound confidence in her femininity.
She d been missing out all these years, thinking sex was nice. Sex with Jett wasn t anything as
bland as nice. Sex with Jett was freaking indescribable.
 So what s it to be, lovely? He nibbled along her jawline.  Going down on you first, or taking you
hard and fast up against the wall as you stated so emphatically?
 I want it all, she said, swiveling her hips against his to prove it.  I want honeymoon sex without
the ceremony drag.
He screwed up his nose.  Don t mention the C-word. I ll lose my hard-on.
Her hand insinuated its way between their bodies to cup his erection.  Nope, still hard. You afraid
of commitment?
 Ceremonies, commitments& definitely hard-on-deflating material.
She gave him a gentle squeeze and he jumped.  Lucky for you, I m only interested in F-words this
His eyes sparked with mischief.  Like fuck?
 I was thinking more along the lines of fling and fun, but foreplay and fuck work for me, too.
 I love it when you talk dirty. His hands splayed on her butt as he ground against her.  Say fuck
 Only when you re doing it, she said, her breath whooshing out when he backed her up against the
nearest wall.
 This better? He hoisted her up, slipping a thumb under the elastic of her bikini bottoms and
zeroing in on where she needed him most.
 Uh-hmm&  was all she could manage as he thumbed her clit with finesse, grazing it with the
barest of flicks before increasing the pressure for concentrated pleasure.
Allegra clutched at Jett s shoulders, her muscles involuntarily tightening, the tremors racking her
body building quickly.
So the altitude had nothing to do with her orgasms, as she peaked so fast her head spun, leaving her
light-headed and hanging on to Jett for dear life as her knees buckled.
 That was the fast bit now for the hard. He unzipped, sheathed, and tugged the strings holding
her bikini bottoms together in three deft moves that had her admiring his dexterity.  How s this?
He drove into her with a thrust that made her gasp.
 Perfect, she said, ending on a little moan as he withdrew before plunging into her again. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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