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in silico log BB models for passive diffusion have assayed (from in-stock compounds), etc.
been included in this review. Tables 2 and 3, Other methods utilized for classification pur-
provide a detailed overview of current progress poses, such as recursive partitioning, are
in this field, from initial steps by Hansch et al. quite powerful not only due to their predic-
to nowadays, as well as the caveats. Following tive power but also as guidelines for medic-
analysis highlights some important points related inal chemists.
to limitations and warnings, application scope and Local models versus General models:
reliability for up to date reported log BB models:
(i) Knowledge about the chemical space
Data sets: As for any in silico model, data sets for the training set is very important
must be as uniform as possible. Ideally, all information as this will help to define
data should be generated from identical the application scope of the model. Other-
experimental conditions and come from the wise, estimations will be based on extra-
same laboratory. If not, the risk for   garbage polations to other chemical spaces and
in, garbage out  in the models increases, therefore dramatically decrease the per-
resulting in estimations with high uncer- formance of the model.
tainty. In addition, knowing the experimen- (ii) Building up specific log BB models for
tal error in the data set is quite useful since each independent chemical series results
this may help to identify overfitting models in an improvement of their performance
as well as to know where the expectations for and reliability.
the model should be placed.
Descriptors: Rational selection of descriptors Quantitative and Qualitative models: As
involved in passive diffusion, for example, Tables 2 and 3 describe, classification models
those considered in rules-of-thumb for together with those quantitative models
log BB, as well as considering these 5 Abra- utilized as a categorization tool, provide
ham descriptors (LFER), which are highly in general quite good performances with
correlated with the previous, provides models overall accuracies above 70%. Therefore,
with a very good performance. This is a very these are pretty useful prioritization tools
important point for models interpretability in the drug discovery process. But, one key
and utility: not just as prediction tools but factor that should be properly defined to get
also as guidelines in the design of new com- optimal performance for quantitative log BB
pounds. On the other hand, there are algo- estimations as classification tools, is the
rithms to select the most relevant threshold separating BBB penetrating from
nonpenetrating. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
Application Scope for quantitative and
qualitative models within the Drug Discov- The authors would like to acknowledge Dr. Roy
ery process. De Maesschalck from Johnson & Johnson Phar-
(i) Compound prioritization should be maceutical Research & Development, a division of
applied in different phases of the drug Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V., Beerse, Belgium
discovery process: from compounds to be for proofreading and his scientific input to this
synthesized to compounds to be assayed. review.
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nonlinear statistical methods (  black
boxes  ) fit pretty well.
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